
Can I wear tampons when im not on my period?

by Guest64808  |  earlier

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I started my period when I was twelve almost thirteen. I used pads but I really don't like them. My next period is on the first day of Hihschool. I'd really like to be able to use a tampon. I was wondering if it would be okay to just try using them when I'm not on my period if I dont keep them in. If i only keep them in for maybe 10 minutes to make sure they feel okay. Im Really scared i'll get TSS. any ways any help would be nice thnx : )




  1. i suggest not to do that becuz if you take out the tampon when your not on your period it would hurt, the tampon would be dry.

  2. i wouldnt do that.

  3. no, wearing tampons when you're not on your period isn't something you should do... some girls put them in and take them out right away just to try them, which is okay, but I would still say no... it irritates your v****a, because its scraping against you inside, and your period isn't there to act as a lubricant for it. So you probably shouldn't... and don't be nervous about TSS! i used to be really worried about it, but you can only really get it if you have a tampon in for more than 8 hours; so just don't do that. And if you want to be super safe about it, don't keep your tampons in the bathroom where you take showers. The steam from the shower can cause bacteria to grow, and you don't want bacteria anywhere near tampons... so keep them in a dry drawer in your room or something. Good luck! :)

  4. Yes, you can. if it's just for practice putting them in and out. I recommend trying a size smaller than you normally use if you are a girl that has a hard time using tampons. You will have less of a chance of getting TSS if you keep your privates clean along with your hands before using tampons.

  5. No.  Only practice using them when on your period.

    There is no fluid there to make insertion easy.  Taking them out will hurt because there is no fluid absorbed and the material will stick to you.

    Don't do it.

  6. I wouldn't do that. I would wait until you get your period and then try them out. They are so much more comfortable then pads. Good luck.  

  7. No i wouldnt reccomend wearing a tampon when you dont have you period, but all i can suggest to you is to wear a pantyliner there so small and you cant even feel them. if you wear a tampon when your not on your period you will experience some really dry pain when taking it out.

  8. You shouldn't wear them when you are not bleeding. Just put a panty liner in and go to the bathroom regularly to check and if it starts make sure you have some tampons or pads handy. Wearing a tampon while not having a period can increase your risk of TSS. Its better to take care of yourself and be safe rather than sorry.

  9. Well i wouldn't do that because that's one way you can get TSS is because the cotton sticks to you causing itching and redness of the v****a and it causes TSS

  10. you should where pantie liner andif you start use a tampon  

  11. Don't do that.

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