
Can I wear this makeup on a first date???

by  |  earlier

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or is it too dark...?




  1. neutrals are best for a date...the eyes look fine, but the red lipstick might be a bit much..maybe a pinkish nude would be better for a date :-) as surprising as it may seem, but most guys actually like the natural makeup look on girls...good luck :-)

  2. I think the makeup's gorgeous and dramatic- a great way to make a first impression, just pay attention to the fact that she's coupled it with a plain, black dress. Don't overdo the look. This kind of intense makeup should be with a simpler outfit, drawing attention to the face. Also beware red lipstick- it's notorious for smearing along the lines in your lips (or at least being noticeable in doing so since it's so bright) so be sure yours lasts well or you adjust as necessary.

    Go for it! And have a fun time.

  3. LOVE the eyes...

    but the lips should be a nude or soft pink...then it will be awesome!

    DEFF not red for the lips though

  4. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Be yourself.

  5. I say if you think you can pull it off, and it represents your everyday style do it, she looks amazing in this shot, and if you normally wear this type of makeup and he is used to seeing you this way, then go for it.  Now if you normally don't wear any makeup, a date is not the place to experiment with a new look.  The eye makeup would translet great, but go softer on the lip, you can try a benefit lip tint.  In the end just be sure to be yourself!  Good Luck!!!

  6. Here's the guy's answer.

    We don't care.  Do whatever you like.

  7. the eyes would look awesome. but wear chap stick or something or a really light shimmery gloss

  8. Love the look  , i would go a few shades down on the lipstick for a first date

  9. NOO! Not on a first might scare him off. I think I'd go with the "sweet and innocent look" a soft and shiny lipgloss, if you have light eyes lilac eyeshadow and if you have dark eyes a goldish color...etc.

  10. hmm.. no, you need to go with a more natural look for a first date.

    minimal makeup, and casual hair

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