
Can I with out irritating it?

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Can I m********e if I have a yeast infection or will it just be one big aggrvation?




  1. Stay away from it.  See your doctor for a pill to get rid of the infection (takes about 2-3 days to totally clear up).  Also, make sure you are washing your hands before you do it.  

  2. If you wouldn't diddle yourself after making bread, you wouldn't get a yeast infection in the first place.

    If you simply must rub one out, I suggest using a pair of salad tongs.

  3. I would not doing anything until it clears up.  You can have yeast causing irritation on the outside of your vaginal area just as well as on the inside.  The yeast can make you feel very raw and itchy and it can feel worse if you aggravate the area by touching it.  

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