
Can I withdraw money from my account if it is not my bank (and I am not talking about the ATM)?

by  |  earlier

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I am out of town and they do not have my bank here, but I want to withdraw $2000 from my account. I know the ATM will not let me take out that much at once, but can I go inside the bank and get it even if it is not the bank that I deal with (I will pay any usage charges)?




  1. You can open an account at the bank, and then have the money wired to the account

  2. I have never heard of a bank that was willing to do that simply because they have no way of verifying they will actually be reimbursed.  Also, they have no recourse if there is a problem because you are not a customer.  As mentioned, if you have a credit card with $2,000 available, you could go into a bank and do a cash advance.  I suggest you do this though:

    First, call your bank and ask them what your daily cash withdrawal limit is on your ATM card.  Then, if you can, just take the money over several days time until you have what you need.  You'll pay more in fees but you'll have your money.  

    The other thing to be aware of is that the ATM just may not be able to physically dispense $1,000 at a time.  Try using $500 increments.

    Good luck.

  3. I don't think the bank will do that, however if you call your own branch, they may be able to give you information on any affiliated banks in the area who would be willing to process the transaction.

    Otherwise, if you have a credit card, you could withdraw that amount.

    The only other choice I can think of is to have someone from home wire you the money.

    I hope that helps. :)

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