
Can I wobble my tooth out till it falls out?

by  |  earlier

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Icant really afford a tooth extraction, my tooth is solid at the moment but my gum hurts. If i keep wobbling it do you reakon in could make it lose and pull it out myself.




  1. if your tooth is solid then you can't just wobble it out, so idk good luck!

  2. If you do it yourself there is risk of serious infection. I know it's expensive but you have to go back and have it done professionally!!

  3. If it's infected then you should be on antibiotics to clear the infection prior to doing anything else with the tooth.  I wouldn't recommend trying to remove it yourself. In the first place it would be extremely painful to do so.  In the second palace if you try to remove it yourself it could break off at or below the gum-line and then you would really be "up the creek" so to speak!

    See a reputable dentist!

  4. No, 99% of the time you can't wobble your tooth out.  I have only seen this done by an elderly woman of 85 years old who never had a dental cleaning and it was her lower front tooth.

  5. If it's you gum that hurts then there's nothing wrong with your tooth. Try flossing everyday along with brushing your teeth

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