
Can I work in Canada without a work permit? If I have am I in any trouble?

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Are there any problems for the employer who hired me with out getting a work permit?




  1. You need a work permit or permanent residence to work in Canada .If a an employer hired you without a work permit you both would be criminals.You run the risk of being deported,never to be allowed in Canada again and the employer could get huge fines and possibly loose there business licence

  2. You need a social insurance number/card to legally work in Canada, and you need a valid work permit or valid immigration papers to get a social insurance number.

    Canada is just like the USA, for tax purposes they cannot legally hire you and pay you without a social incurance number (SIN) card.

    If they hired you illegally and have been paying you under the table, they are breaking several laws at the federal level and you should report them immediately to avoid getting yourself in a LOT of trouble when someone does catch them. They could bring you up on tax fraud for not reporting your income, which will get you deported and banned from the country (best case) or would give you a 1-way ticket to a Canadian prison.

    Canada is a great place to live, but definitely not wirth the risk of going to jail and having your whole life ruined. I would suggest that you immediately quit the job, find anothere one, and get yourself legalized with a valid work permit and SIN before you start the new job.

    Also, it would be a good idea to try to cover your tracks with your previous job, so when that company gets caught they don't report you to the Canadian equivalent of the IRS. You should have been paying tax on everything you are earning (or at least reporting it as capital gain)

  3. Ask before you do anything.  Why take on trouble?  I would think that their immigration people could answer that question.  Or, contact a Canadian counsel in the nearest big city or contact their embassy in the country you reside in.

  4. It is against Canadian law for tourists to work in Canada. You can certainly work without a work permit, but if anyone you know report you to the Canadian immigration office, you're in big trouble.

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