
Can I workout with sore muscles?

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I lift some weights yesterday. Now my arms are sore. Is it a good thing to lift weights today? Will it still increase my muscles?




  1. It won't increase your muscles or decrease them. But it is good to lift any muscle that is sore. It helps work the soreness out of them. Just make sure you take 1 day a week off from lifting and not to lift the same muscle every day. You need to let your biceps rest (or whatever muscle) and lift back or triceps while your biceps and chest is resting. That is just an example.

  2. no.. you should rest. don't over stretch your muscles.

    do u normally lift weight?

    if it's a once in a while thing.. take it slow and rest.... if not.. still rest..

    over stressed and stretched muscle can cause cramps and pain.

  3. NO!! it it not recommended to workout your sore muscles! it will not increase or help your muscles but will tear it. The muscles you worked out needs 72 hours of rest before putting it to work. you can work out other muscles but not the same ones.

  4. Yes its okay that is part of getting into shape. As u continue 2 lift the soreness will go away and it will become easier.

  5. yes

  6. I think it will only hurt you more. I think you should stretch a bit before, just incase you might pull a muscle. =-)

    I hope I helped.

  7. You should always allow 24 to 48 hrs of recuperation time for every muscle group you work (large muscles such as legs and back require more time time than the small muscles like biceps, triceps etc.) You should  also remember that your  muscles don't grow when you workout, but when you rest; so rest and nutrition are as important as your workout routine. You should listen to your body and learn the difference between mild discomfort and pain, especially if you are a begginer.

  8. You can use them to lift. however, until they are fully healed you will not be getting the maximum gains you could be. despite what 'art major student' thinks, muscles grow because of tears; the microfibers tear and when they fill back in to heal, they grow larger accordingly -- it is suppose to happen, however, if you continually break them down but never give them time to repair your muscle are not actually growing that much. More or less you are only extending the amount of time it takes that muscle to grow larger

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