
Can India never develop?

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i have been to india to see my projects but there something i found really crazy there. The ways of hinduism festival for example- Hindus burn crackers in diwali which cause sound pollution and air pollution, they play holli(a festival celebrated for the death of a monstress) with colours and eggs which looks really horrible, the most worst is the ganesh- a giant iddle diped in the lakes causing death to aquatic life and water pollution.




  1. india  is    developing  in  a fast  manner.  in  the     1950 s   we  were  importing  foodgrains ,  but  within  3 decades  we  have  overcome  that  and  buffer  stock  to  export in  spite  of  the  population   increased  3    times  than  that  of  1950   is  ia  not  adevelopment   india  is  sending  sattelites  and latest  scentific  developments  reaching  every  nook  and  corner  see  the  mobile  phone  throughout  india.  regarding  the  religious  crazy,  thats  everywhere  in  the  world  not  only  in  india.  recently  when  power  went  off  due  too  floods  in  an  american  city  looting  and  raping    raised  its  head,  where as  in   such  a   situation  at  bombay  i  mean  mumbai,   negligibly  small  incidents took  place.   i  leave  it  to  the  readers  guess  who  are  crazy  who  are  not,   my  dear  AMERICAN  BROTHERS  PLEASE  BEAR  WITH  ME  FOR  TELLING  THIS  EXAMPLE

  2. I think we are confusing economy and religion here. Indian economy is doing great, for the last two years it is growing at 9% and this year is expected to close at about 7 - 8% which is not that bad. Pretty impressive. Moreover, the services boom is taking it ahead of many economies and analysts predict that in the next few years there will be only three big economies in this world way ahead of others which are US, China and India.

    Coming to your question, you are talking about the religion here. Diwali, Holi, Ganesh puja are all Hindu religions and they have their own significance and ways of celebrating them according to traditions.

    I feel, it is not Hindus who is developing the country but a collective effort is put by everyone in the largest democracy of the world to see that it is counted in the developed countries.

    I am confident that India is developing and well poised to be called as a developed country soon.

  3. Oh Wow.. its Good to find that u know so much about so many festivals in India..

    But ur conceptions --phew. Our festivals are better than ur Thanksgiving- turkey festival where u kill the poor animal and eat it .

             Burn Crackers on DIwali - And Waht do u Burn On New Years Eve My Dear Friend.

            And u r talking about air-and sound pollution, have u ever checked out the youth mind in your country - how polluted it is?

             Infants at the age of 8 become pregnant. School kids have more condoms in their school bags then their books.

    u will rarely find a married couple whoes marriage lasted till death .

             First try to improve it and then comment on other countires tradition and culture.

            You have no rights to comment on Rich Traditions of other countires .

  4. Are you an american by the way, I just wondered because it seems to me that Americans despise in others what they crave for themselves, ie  a history and ancient traditions. If you are British, get a life mate.

  5. That's your POV. Many Indians might find your question horrible and racist.

  6. we have the second largest army in the world after china  ok so u american just shut up

  7. First of i wud like to say those festivals have nothing to do with developement and everything to do with our culture. If following our culture means not developing then u shud change ur views.

    Second, for the developement.. well it is developing but considering the population and ppl's reluctance it will take time.. maybe alot. India has always been a mix of the ancient and mordern.

  8. i dont think itll ever really develop. theyre all too set in their ways and their religions are confining (not to bash on them or anything. they can have whatever religion they want, but theirs isnt the best for economic growth). and their trash problem is enormous. i guess they are making some progress though. because when i was there, some women were doing a march for women's rights. so maybe in 50 years or so theyll be up to where western countries are today.

  9. OF COURSE INDIA WILL DEVELOP!! a lot of americans go to india for healthcare. also, in bangalore, more people work in IT there then in Silicon Valley. Microsoft, Yahoo and many more companies are in India. The people in India are more educated and they have better universities. India is the country with the most people in the list of top ten richest people in the world. As for traditions, America has silly traditions as well. Most would think that groundhogs day, a day in which we depend on the shadow of a groundhog depend on if it is spring or summer, is a silly thing to do.

  10. dude... you seem to have been in India for long... all those festivals don't come together... you spent what, 7 months to one year there?

    every culture has its own things... you don't necessarily need to like a tradition or a culture... you are not used to it so you dont follow it... but you dont really have the right to call it crazy!

    for us festivals are a way of getting to gether and celebrating life... every festival has its own story & started for a reason!

    if I start listing things that I find ridiculous I think I would take a really really long time... for instance... mothers / fathers day... why do you need a designated day to spend time with your own parents... why dont you do it every now & then instead of once in a year???

    Why do you need to dress up in ridiculous costumes to get candies???

    there are too many broken families in the so called developed nations... with children getting in to drugs & depression at a very young age when they should be enjoying a guilt free life!!!

    I have not really seen any kid in India getting into depression due to festivals... we are normally happy about them!

    and about the pollution... its not just India that contributing to the world pollution... every country is equally to be blamed... especially the once who keep bombing other countries thinking they might have weapons!!!

    things are changing... I hope you did not have to travel in bullock carts when you went to India... we have cars & bikes & other vehicles... we are definitely developing n a faster pace than the other countries after they got their independence... it been only 6 decades... give it time buddy!

    thanks for your concern though!

  11. dear friend you are taking a very biased opinion. the Americans celebrate 4Th July with fireworks much more than Indians at Diwali???    you have been exposed to Holli at the wrong place it seems, its a festival of colors and generates good will, similarly there is sanctity behind Ganesha chaturty.  India is a traditional country with rich traditions , please understand them and their significance before jumping to conclusions.

       as far as progress is concerned just check the figures of how many funds, banks and individuals are jumping onto the band wagon to partake a piece of its progress

  12. Its a perception that changes everything. Max and Cari, you have to look at the subject holistically, honestly and in a transparent manner. The occassions that you have mentioned find replications all over the world. Best example is 4th July celebrations all over US. I doubt that for all the technological advances, US has developed a pollution free firework. Tomato festival of Spain, Rhodeos of US, fox hunting of England, whale hunting of Japan, Arsenic laden waste dumping by European industries, stale wheat exports of Australia certainly do not signify civilised social behaviour. Its a fact, when the so called developed world's Goverments involve in licensed corruption in the garb of technological oneupmanship, intellectual and spiritual understanding take backseat. I welcome you to meet people, talk to them and then pass judgments instead of throwing tantrums when ignorance rules the roost!! Again, I most humbly Welcome you to India and ask for your forgiveness if any ignorant soul has disturbed your bearings.

  13. it's a different place, with different customs.

    some might come to america and think that our customs are weird. we spend all of december worshipping a fat cold guy in red. we light just as many firecrackers on july 4th.  we dye eggs too. etc.

    if you go to a place like india, it's best to go with an open mind instead of being stuck in your own cultural point of view.

  14. First correct urself and then point fingers. Practice what you preech.

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