
Can Israel really blow up the Iranian missiles above Lebanon ??

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What happens if they are non conventional ??




  1. I don't know, I mean Israel Only has like 250 nukes, what are they going to do??

  2. My dear Miron,

    The only country that used un-conventional and truly illegal weapons is Israel during the Lebanon fiasco.

    The Jews have proven to the world that do not respect innocent civilian lives too. So many hospitals,children homes,schools and power stations were hit by them so I think Israel is the last country on this planet that can complain of being hit by unconventional weapons.

    But seriously I think of the Iranians far more civilized than the Jews and I don't believe that they would start a fight or anything.

    They have nothing to prove to the world.

    World reports have shown (BBC W.R. 2007 & 2008) that all Christian countries believe that the Iranians are no threat to mankind, whereas Israel is.

    So you don't have to believe my words,just browse this Y/A forum section and you'll find the proof you need.


  3. Lebanon isn't in air path it would be over Jordan.

    Listen, I like Jordan, Israel and Lebanon, in fact alot of the countries over there but not Iran.

    Nobody likes Iran they have been in discussion since the first gulf war because of their extremism.  If I had a dime for how many people I heard want their sand turned into a glass parking lot...

    Non conventional would take out all those countries (Israel, Lebanon, Jordan) because they are so small. Non conventional would work against Iran they have a large land mass and would only affect them.

    This is a very serious question.

    I have already heard one expression of nuclear suicide bomber by these extremists and Iran likes to fight wars "by proxy"  if they did something like that they could get away with it.

    If it's a choice between Israel, Lebanon, and Jordan versus Iran I vote to take out Iran.

  4. Some will, some will not but not above Lebanon. Most likely they should blow above Israel. Israeli anti missile and interception  system range is not that long.

  5. Then within 10 minutes, Iran becomes a great place to put a lake..

  6. If that's the case the air will suddenly be a killer.  Better over Iran than Israel should Iran launch.

  7. If the missiles are launched from Lebanon, Israel can certainly blow missiles over it, although preferably it would blow the missiles on the ground (as Israel did in the first day of the 2nd Lebanon war).

    Missiles launched from Iran won't pass above Lebanon, so maybe over Jordan or Iraq, but not over Israel.

    The hit is done high in the atmosphere, so unless a nuclear explosion happens there (unlikely, but in which case the only danger is the radioactive fallout), the chemical/biological agents will be too dispersed to be effective when they reach the ground.

  8. israel has some of the worlds best anti-missile detectors,

    and the world could use the extra parking :)

    Hey, John E, how can you say "The Jews have proven to the world that do not respect innocent civilian lives " when the islamic terrorists are the ones shooting rockets at innocent civilians. ISRAEL EVEN WARNED THE NEIGHBOURHOODS IN LEBANON THAT IT WAS GOING TO BOMB AND CIVILIANS SHOULD LEAVE! has any other military ever done that?!

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