
Can Jinn Physically control you?

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Maryam Please REMOVE THAT video




  1. They can posses weak Muslims and non Muslims and even cause the person they are possessing to act differently.  They can hurt your physically if you annoy them or accidently kill them(This is why you say Bismillah i rrahman i erraheem before cooking, pouring hot oil or hot water down the drain, etc.).  They will KILL anyone who intentionally or unintentionally kills their loved ones if you don't say Bismillah i rrahman i erraheem.  As for physically controlling a person, I think they only way they could do that is they took possession of you.  And as we all know, Jinn can transform into animals and occasionally other people.

  2. i highly doubt that

  3. Physically, means? Doing abnormal acts. Is that what you mean???

    Well. I think yes. Jinns control actions... I have heard about people who drank gallons of water when affected. Also, people eat a lot.. Yes, Jinns have a huge apetite. There can be other actions - like speaking what seems gibberish and behaving abnormally...

    Its true and NOT funny at all. Its sad... Some scholars say that inexperienced people end up in ditches when they try to control Jinns. Jinns can be dangerous you see.

    TW K

  4. Even as a devote Muslim, God forgive me,  I was a skeptic when it came to Jinns. Despite the fact the Qur'an has mentioned the existence of Jinns, it was just hard to understand, believe, comprehend such a supernatural 'thing' until I experienced Jinns in 'real' not long ago. It was the most frightening experience in my life.

    Briefly, someone I know was possessed by an evil Jinn. At first, when this girl was acting strange, not being herself, always feeling tired etc. We all naturally thought it was depression, anxiety, or some other psychological illness, but there were 1 or 2 who related her symptoms to Jinn, I totally abolished that idea and said, and believed it was just a nervous breakdown or anxiety, but sadly I was wrong. She was infact possessed by a Jinn through the means of black magic, and I had to be there when the exorcism was performed. As we've seen in films how the possessed person voice completely changes, this is no different in real life. The trusty Imam who was performing the exorcism was talkin' to the Jinn via the girl, and I swear by Allah, I have witness nothing like it before. She (The Jinn) was telling us weird things which had happened years ago (which she could never have known), in a completely different language. This girl had no knowledge of Arabic, but  was fluently speaking Arabic and other languages with the Imam, and this itself was quite shocking, no science in the world could have explained what was happening.

    Just by witnessing something like that, it has made me a  stronger Muslim today, if I hadn't I would have still been a sceptic, like many others. No doubt, if I was an atheist, I would have embraced Islam (which tells us about Jinn) then and there.

  5. I have heared such stories.

    Sometimes people do such things that normal person can't do these can be such situations.

    Ex: Jumping 5 meters high or bending a thick steel stick.

    By the way, ur topic made me strange, i got some fear, and run  to my bed , sat on it towards the Giblah and sayed the surah "Al-Nas" .

  6. A jinn CAN possess people.  There are a lot of proofs for it... but for now i'll post a small bit from a book on the topic.

    Ibn Taimiya said, The jinn entering the body of the humans is confirmed by the agreement of the leaders of the people of the sunna and the community (ahl al-sunna wa al-jamaa).  Allah says in the Qur'an, "Those who swallow usury cannot rise up save as he arises whom the devil has prostrated by his touch" (2:275) And in the Sahih it is recorded on the authority of the Prophet (peace be upon him), "Satan flows in the children of Adam like the flowing of the blood." Majmoo al-Fatawa, vol. 24, p.276

    Abdullah, the son of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, "I said to my father, 'Some people say that the jinn does not enter the body of the possessed.' He said, 'Oh my son, they are lying.  It is that which speaks by his tongue.'" Ibn Taimiya said,

    What he [Ahmad] said is well-known.  The possessed person speaks a language that he himself does not understand. And his body may b struck with a ferocious beating, such that it would leave a great mark on a camel.  The possessed person does not perceive the strike nor does he perceive the words that he is speaking.  The possessed may lift others heavier than him.  He may pull out the carpet he is sitting upon.. and other such things that have been witnessed and reported by reliable sources.  He speaks with the tongue of the human and he moves with that body but he is a specie other than a human.

    And ibn Taimiya also wrote, "None of the leaders of te Muslims reject the notion that the jinn enters into the body of the possessed and others.  Those who reject it and claim that the Islamic law states it to be false are stating a lie concerning Islamic law, as there is no proof therein that denies its occurrence."

  7. I like Maryam's video, especiall how at ~4:25 they guy comes over to pull down the "victim's" dress so that you can't see the balloon underneath which is still plainly visible shortly thereafter as lines under the dress.  Kids could have done a better hoax.

  8. Jinn don't exist.

    See a psychiatrist.

  9. If you ask them too and give them permission they can !i

  10. Yes...and I have seen such people myself. They act mad or have some sort of disease which seem incurable, and when the ayahs of the Quran r read over them, it tortures the Jinn. He is forced to get out.

    I found a video on YouTube which can give u an idea of it. Here's a man who has been affected by a Jinn (that's what happens when somebody does a magic spell on u, just like it was done on the Prophet P.B.U.H). The sheikh is trying to get rid of the Jinn by reading Quranic ayahs. And a conversation takes place between him and the Jinn. He forces him to get out. I've seen this kind of exorcism myself, but with ladies.

    That is why we are told to recite the Surahs Al Falaq and Al Nas everyday, in the morning and evening.

  11. No.


    And call to mind the time when We said to the angels, 'Submit to Adam,' and they all submitted but Iblis did not. He was one of the jinn; and he disobeyed the command of his Lord. Will you than take him and his offspring for friends instead of ME while they are your enemies? Evil is the exchange for the wrongdoers. (Quran 18:50)

    And when the matter is decided, Satan will say, 'Allah promised you a promise of truth, But I promised you and failed you. I had no power over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me. So blame me not, but blame your ownselves. I cannot succour you nor can you succour me. I have already disclaimed your associating me with Allah. For the wrongdoers there shall, surely, be a grievous punishment.' (Quran 14:22)

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