
Can John McCain do more than sit in the back of the class and shoot spitballs at Obama?

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John never really excelled at school as we know. Now his campaign has resorted to snarky sarcasm about the smart kid, Obama. Hope Johnny's ready for the blowback.




  1. old habits are hard to get rid off.

  2. Yeah, it takes a complete idiot to get thru the Naval Acadamy, become a jet pilot, and then a US Senator.

    Additionally, it would take a total wimp to survive seven years at the Hanoi Hilton.

    Can't understand why the voters would like him........

  3. people are starting to see the real obama, anyone can give a great speech but then you have to back up the rhetoric and that's where he fails miserably. obama may be at the front of the class for now, but the spitballs will take their toll because obama can't back up what he says and everyday people are realizing obama is nothing more than a falling star burning out. the man has no substance, he is a very dangerous individual, just wait and see what comes about that guy very soon. he is not the person he appears to be.  

  4. McCain knows that he will lose the election.  That's why he has been acting like a child this past two weeks.

  5. Since Americans are not cowards, I fully expect McCain to win the 2008 election.

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