
Can Juliette girl scouts sell cookies and do they get the money or just incentives?

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I thought the council gets all the money, and the girl just gets the prizes, that is not fair!




  1. It varies from council to council.

    In our council, the profits from the sale are deposited in a special Juliette account managed by council. Then each girl can tap into her balance (yes, it is tracked individually) to pay for camps and events.

    Other councils don't allow that, the girls get the incentives and nothing else like you mentioned. What some Juliettes in councils like that do is hook up with a friendly troop as a helper, and her profits are tracked by that troop - and available for her use.

  2. This answer is one of the (many) things that totally varies from Council to Council - what is done in one area may well not be done in another.  Some places let the girls get "credit" for the income that would normally go to a troop (which also varies HUGELY from Council to Council) and use that for GS related fees.  Some don't let them sell at all.  Some will let them join forces just for the sale with a local troop, with the troop handling the money, but keeping the Juliette's portion separate for her to use as necessary (again, for GS related expenses), etc.  

    It totally varies - perhaps if you're willing to say what Council you're in, someone could help with a more specific answer, but if not, your best bet is to contact either your local Service Unit (or "neighborhood" in some areas) volunteers, or the Council office itself.  (Especially right now with all the Councils in various stages of realigning, things are changing left and right, so getting the *current* answer can be a challenge!)  

    One thing that will likely be the same across all Councils is that a Juliette won't just get the cash the way a troop does - there has to be some sort of check and balance in place to make sure the funds, if she's allowed any, are being used for genuine GS related expenses.

  3. As a Juliette you are considered an individual girl scout, not a member of a troop, and you are  not allowed to keep any of the extra funds you earn. Anything you earn must either be donated to an actual troop, or to your service unit. In our area our council gets $3 per box, and girls in troops get to keep 50 cents per box.

  4. Each bow you sell your troop gets $.65 per box. The rest goes to the council to support the orders of cookies. And other things they put together for us.

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