
Can KFC chicken actually be good for your health?

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Can KFC chicken actually be good for your health?




  1. No. KFC chicken is not good for your health.

  2. idk but it tastes yummy =3

  3. well it depends were it comes from

  4. I would say that it is really good for your mental health.

  5. The only thing that is good about KFC is that it is made out of chicken.

    KFC is covered with oil. It has TONS of trans fat.

    Trans fat is a bad fat. It can block your arteries, eventually causing a heart-attack adn stroke.

    Its not something you shouldl have everyday.

    Probably every 2 months.

    Hope it helps :)

  6. It can in a way but it also cant

    dont ask me why though

  7. Latest reports say thet KFC will soon be known as KC*...they will be adding a healthier broiled chicken menu to their fare.

    * eliminating the "fried" from their name.

  8. I'm gonna say no, but I'm prepared to be wowed with people saying yes and providing evidence.

  9. If you were starving to death - KFC is better than no food.

  10. Fat in moderation can be good. Or if you took the skin off.

  11. No , because its deep fried , if it was grilled or baked then it would be healthy for you.

  12. It depends on what you get.  Try some baked items or take the skin off and the nutritional value is increased.

  13. Fast food was supposed to be an occasional thing that somehow ended up a daily routine for some people.

    KFC as well as other fast foods taken in daily is not good for your health but if you having it once a month as a treat, or once a year for a special occasion won't ruin your health. If your elderly and eating it .. what difference does it make at that point of life? If your young it should be a treat only on very special occasions.

  14. nO

  15. no to much grease

  16. -I don't think so.

  17. If your can't afford to eat 3 times a day.

    The fats, calories and carbs from the skin is good to get around.

  18. Who cares its bloody gorgeous!! Yum yum in my tum!!

  19. No it cant. And its not good for the chickens they abuse either.

    Chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals and are thought to be as intelligent as dogs or cats. When in natural surroundings, not on factory farms, they form friendships and social hierarchies, recognize one another, love their young, and enjoy a full life, dust bathing, making nests, roosting in trees, and more.

    The more than 700 million chickens raised each year for KFC aren't able to do any of these things. They are crammed by the tens of thousands into sheds that stink of ammonia fumes from accumulated waste; they are given barely even room to move (each bird lives in the amount of space equivalent to a standard sheet of paper). They routinely suffer broken bones from being bred to be top heavy, from callous handling (workers roughly grab birds by their legs and stuff them into crates) and from being shackled upside down at slaughterhouses. Chickens are often still fully conscious as their throats are cut or when they are dumped into tanks of scalding hot water to remove their feathers. When they’re killed, chickens are still babies, not yet two months old, out of a natural life span of 10-15 years

  20. If you take off the skin it would be a lot healthier than it already is.

  21. You can now get "grilled" KFC chicken, which is much more healthy than their regular chicken.

    And I say "It's about time"!

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