
Can Labour claim to tackle inequality or does it create more inequality than it 'tackles'?

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Can Labour claim to tackle inequality or does it create more inequality than it 'tackles'?




  1. It claims to tackle it through measures such as positive discrimination, which actually just reverse inequality, so the superior become the inferiors. Not equal at all.

  2. They did a few good feeding kids at school but the rich are richer and many are poorer. Thatcher and co were swine...but at least they were fairly honest about their loyalties.

  3. The Labour Party is now faced with the stark truth.  It has no friends and supporters save those who created it in the first place, the TUC and the British Unions.

    The Parliamentary Labour Party is now going cap in hand to ask it's creators, the Unions, for money.

    Were I a leader of a Trade Union, I would first want to ask my members whether or not they want to hand over their money to a gang of crooks who have sold Socialism down the river and turned UK into an American aircraft carrier.


  4. My good mate Croxx assures me that the gap between rich and poor, and social mobility, have never been worse than under New Labour !!

  5. All I can say is "Harriet Harperson". That name alone sums New Liebour up as a whole.

  6. Get real.

    Labour are in the pocket of big business and although they may have brought in the minimum wage they have signed up to ensuring that more and more people are relegated to only earning the minimum wage.  Why do you think child poverty has increased under Labour?  Labour talk about wealth generation - what they actually mean is the ability of the seriously rich to make themselves richer and the poor to get poorer - they abolished the 10p rate of income tax which benefitted poor people.  The new green taxes on road tax are designed to take more money from those who can't afford new cars.  

    Labour used to be a Socialist Party - keen on a more even distribution of wealth - which made our country politically healthy - now they give asylum to extra rich Russians who don't have to pay our taxes and then expect our Police forces to protect them when they are targetted by Russian assassination squads.  You and I have to pay for the police but the economic argument is that the trickle down effect of the money the Russians spend here is an economic advantage to the UK.  

    What trickle down effect - they often buy houses in the UK and remit the money to offshore accounts of other rich people who don't pay taxes here.  They buy yachts and German cars - they may employ a few UK staff but it is hardly likely to make the Exchequer solvent after we have spent so much public money on protecting these oligarchic parasites.  Oh yes and they buy the odd football team - but expect some of the revenues to be remitted tax free overseas.

    Under Labour - just as under the Conservatives the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer.  So if the rich are getting richer who benefits - well the political parties rely on hefty donations from mighty grateful rich people - who give less than one percent of their profit in political donations to ensure they can keep raking in the other 99% of revenue.  Its a win win situation - unless you are an ordinary person subject to the tax laws of this country and having to shell out more the poorer you are.

  7. You are probably right.'Tackling inequality' will always find a audience because there will always be inequalities.More to the point there will always be some people who are or ( perhaps more to the point) feel hard done by. I have given up trying to make sense of the politics of 'equality'.

  8. They've have created more inequality in this country through their failed minority and immigration policies. Just look around the country - Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, parts of London - it's out of control.

  9. you will always have inequality unless we convert to communism, we all can't be equal, we have to have leaders and unless we are communists then there will be people living and earning better !

  10. There will never ever be equality as people themselves will

    not allow it.

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