
Can LeBron be the greatest basketball player ever?

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Can LeBron be the greatest basketball player ever?




  1. Of course he could be.  Talent wise, he may already be.  He still needs to get some good teammates though in order to win some championships and get into the discussion.

  2. Yes by the time his career is over I firmly believe he will be. The kid's only 23 years old! If he avoids injury and gets more consistent on his jump shot then nothing will stop him.

  3. no!!!!!! LOL!!!!

  4. He has the physical attributes and gifts: strength, speed, basic skills (he's a much better passer than shooter, and smartly keeps most of his shots within 10-15 feet).

    He seems to be more well-liked and amiable than either Jordan or Kobe, which means in some ways, he might just be a better leader.  Jordan is the same guy who punched Steve Kerr during practice, and got checked by Bill Cartwright for steadily taunting him.  It wasn't like people from all over the league were running to Chicago to try and play with Jordan --people admired him (like Kobe), but he had to deal with the ballhog perception occasionally as well.

    What it will all come down to is whether or not he wins the big games.  It is truly all speculation at this point, because as of this moment, the score is Shaq and Tim Duncan (4), Kobe (3), Wade, Garnett, and Pierce (1).

    TRUST ME, if James does not win the championship at least twice in his career, he will be looked at like a Barkley or Malone --great players, but not the greatest, and not winners.  In my book will be behind Oscar Robertson, who only won it once but averaged triple doubles at times in his career.

  5. Yes, the greatest basketball player that has been swept in the NBA Finals! LMAO!

  6. yes he is the youngest player to ever get 10000 pts and in 4 yr he be the youngest player to score 20000 pts beat kobe

  7. the sky's the limit. he is a hard worker, he is trying very hard to eliminate the weak facets of his game, a sure sign of gr8ness. mj went to prove every1 wrong when they criticized his defense, his passing, lebron is developing his outside shot. it's getting better but he's not done yet. once he's got that down then he's gotta make people pay for sending him to the stripe, another c***k in his armor. after he's got that down im sure people will say "o but he's not a lockdown defender 100% of the time, he only shows it in flashes". hopefully the addition of mo williams will mean less work for him offensively and he can really bloom into the complete package player we know he can be.  

  8. lebron is a great basketball player and he obviously could be the greatest player of all  

  9. no

  10. No, No one can top Chaimberland, Jordan and Robinson. But he is probably the best athletic basketball player, in the sense that he can play pretty much every position with ease.

  11. i am a kobe fan but i don't deny that lebron could be the best.  when kobe was younger he relied on  his athleticism.  however, once he became older he lost some of that. he then adapted to become more of a shooter.  the question is : once lebron gets older, will he adapt like kobe did or will his play decline? if he adapts, there is a good chance he will be the best ever.


  13. He just need to develop his outside shot and fadeaways and a good work ethic he can be the best and he's still young and a lot to learn.

  14. yes he has the highest ppg

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