
Can Lemon Trees grow on Long Island?

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If so how long would they take to grow?


Are there any types of Lemons, or is a Lemon Just a Lemon?




  1. Meyer lemons, referred to above, are about the hardiest variety of lemon, so will give you the best chance - though I think it will be a tall order, unless you can provide ample winter protection.

    I have lemon trees that grow in my central England garden,  and come through the winter with just a little protection, but our winters are milder than yours.

    Younger trees are likely to be more sensitive to cold than more established plants,  so aim for more protection whilst younger.  Insulation tubes that protect water pipes from freezing can be put around your plant tree trunk, for example, and you could also make an overall plant enclosure made from wood, covered with polythene, and fill it with straw, that will keep the temperature inside warmer - as well as cover it with something like carpet during the coldest weather.  As with most things, more layers, and trapped air, make for great capture of warmth.  Christmas lights will also raise the temperature a little too - beware of fire risks!

    Choosing the warmest spot in your garden, the best micro-climate will also work, and some plants will be hardier than others - so it may pay to have a few plants, and see if one of them outperforms the others.  Palms have similar some similar needs for protection, so it's worth looking at what other gardeners have done in Long Island etc, to see what has been done to give success.

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!  Rob

  2. They can grow outside in the summer but they will not winter over as your zone is too harsh.  There are some lemons that are suited to containers and they will grow and flower indoors too.  I have an orange that blooms and fruits year-round.  Look for a Meyer Lemon, they are sweet and lemony and not bitter.

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