
Can Leopard Geckos break toes?

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I usually know a lot about my little ones (leop. geck.'s) but one of them has a messed up toe in the back foot ( the one closest to the body) it's like sitting on the other toe..It just must have happened today when I was at looks broken but i dont know if they can break? vets closed right now and i'm just worried adn can't find answers online..thanks anyone!!




  1. Yes they can but it could also be a lack of calcium

  2. Yes and it could be do to the lack light.

  3. They can break toes, but more commonly they get shed skin stuck on their toes which acts like a tourniquet and cuts off the blood supply.  Supplying a humid hide at all times is critical to good leopard gecko shedding.  If he does have shed on his toes, you will need to soak him in a liitle tub of shallow warm water for 15 minutes, then try to roll the skin off with a wet Q-tip.  Repeat as needed.

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