
Can Leukemia or Other Cancers Be Found In Routine Blood Panel?

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i was just wondering if cancer or leukemia can be found in routine blood work? Even if cancer or leukemia is not suspected? Would your blood work be off if cancer was present in the body? i ask because for the pasts 2 weeks i have felt real fatigue and weak and kind of umcomfortable i am a 23 y/o female. But just wanted to know if it was possible to detectin the blood work cause i had the "normal" blood work done like white blood cell count and red blood cell count etc. all my tests were normal but i hadnt mentioned to the doc that i though maybe would it have shown




  1. My 10yro daughter had a nagging cough for about a year,had bronchitis that kept occuring.then got flu like symptoms,high fever,vomitting,loss of appetite,severe fatigue. took her to ER,doc there said "i never run a CBC with differentials for these types of symptoms but i had a hunch" A normal white blood count is between 5,ooo>10,000 hers was 243,000 she had LEUKEMIA.  Cancer is not a light disease. when is rears it's head the symptoms are usually pretty severe. common ones though are that nagging cough, fatigue,... but bad. Blood cancers can be detected in the blood tests, other cancers like tumors still show pretty severe symptoms.

    the key to catching cancer in think is #1 HAVING A DOCTOR THAT WILL ACTUALLY LISTEN TO YOUR SYMPTOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    good luck and stay in tune to your body,only you will know the changes that you can alert your doc to. if you are truely concerned i would take notes on symptoms and start doing research for possible cancer symptoms, be an active member in your own health care cause through my experience, the doctors don't do the research for you, they are all about treating symptoms and following protocols.

    cancer is complex as are people and should be treated as such.

    good luck to you!!! stay positive.PEACE

  2. luvmyrydoodle-

       Routine blood work includes an automated CBC (Complete Blood Cell count) with examination of cells circulating in the blood.  Almost 100% of all leukemias are initially found while doing a "routine" CBC which examines red cells and white cells in the circulation.  The lab that does the test would consider it an immediate alert to the doctor if the CBC was diagnostic or suspicious for leukemia.  So, since you were told your CBC was normal, you can rule out both leukemia and anemia.

       Cancer is very rarely found in circulating blood, and then pretty much in far-advanced, widespread cancer.  Cancer is best diagnosed during your visit to your doctor when your medical history is taken along with your symptoms and an appropriate physical exam, perhaps followed by any tests which the physician believes might provide useful diagnostic information.  If your doc examined you and found nothing, you should stop worrying, even though you'll never get a 100 percent guarantee.  I would not ask for an autopsy just to be 100% sure.  Maybe your problem will disappear or be found to be some other treatable disorder that will pass?  I hope so.

  3. Your "regular" blood count work would probably have been abnormal if there was cancer present in your body.  But don't ignore your symptoms, there are other diseases and conditions in the world! Are you getting enough sleep, eating a good diet, and getting exercise? If you are, and you still have constant fatigue, you should get a full check-up.

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