
Can London match China's opening in the 2012 Olympics?

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No doubt about it, the Chinese opening ceremony was amazing. I was in blown away by the performers synchronization and whenever a drawing left the ground.

My question is: can London do an opening as good or better tha China's?




  1. Well, as long as every host country put up a good show, we the ordinary global citizens get to have superb entertainment.  So, it is not to put a comparison of who can do better, but it should be hopefully we get to have big surprises in store for us.

  2. i hope so but then again i didnt like chinas opening

  3. No, but then why should London do a better opening than Beijing? The opening ceremony for the Manchester Commonwealth Games in 2002 may have been smaller than the ceremonies in Kuala Lumpur (1998) and Melbourne (2006) but it was more friendly (with the crowd shouting "Hello" to each nation that paraded.

  4. The only way it could happen is if at the climax of the ceremony there is a whirlwind of thunder and lighting and suddenly King Arthur finally returns. That's the only way England could compare with China's great history act.

    They could have a segment on the plague, and Cromwell, Henry the 8th, and beheadings, etc... or not

  5. Personally, I don't think any other country will come close to it. They spent over 100 million on their opening and closing ceremonies. I kind of hope that no other country would run their citizens into that kind of debt, just to impress other countries. On the other hand, U.S. spent 4x's the total multi billion dollar tab for the Beijing Olympics, on war, during the same period. If given the choice, I'd rather see that kind of money spent on art and world peace, than war. No doubt, Beijing ceremonies raised the bar for opening ceremonies, to a height, I don't think other countries will be able to surpass. They simply outspent everyone. And it was magnificent!

  6. With london's 15 mins in the Beijing closing ceremony being David beckham kicking a football with 205 kids.. hmm.... i certainly hope london's organisers can come up with something better!

    Here are a few ideas:

    - Fox hunting (ppl can dress up as foxes while royal celebraties can well, hunt them in the stadium)

    -Old ladies drinking tea (how abt a giant teacup in the middle of the stadium like the scroll in the beijing opening?)

    -SPICE GIRLS !! yeh!  maybe Beatles as well..

    -OK, Beckham can come back to kick footballs

  7. London should just do their own thing, and not worry about

    matching up against the China ceremony.  By then, and once

    the opening ceremony starts, it won't matter.  A lot of folks will

    have forgotten about China already, and will be looking at

    "what's happening now", and will be excited for the olympics

    to begin.

  8. china has longer history that westerners rarely know about, they spend over 40 billions dollars for that open and closing ceremony, also the high technological stadium was just finish build and first used for the olympic ceremony. Speaking of using 2008 people to perform was a hard work and long practice they put through. If london can do any better I'll be amazed.  

  9. Proberly as London is full of Chinese people, it's a joke, it really is.

  10. Synchronisation isn't everything. Sure, China was exceptional at this, but this isn't the only basis for an opening ceremony.  

  11. i  guess so. so as long as london won't do a lipsync which really made a lot of talks and somehow erased the spectacularity of the ceremony.

  12. No. China showed us the beauty of chinese culture. That is something not really understood in the western world. More to the point, China had the population and the funding to back up such an extravagant opening ceremony.

  13. I hope not.  I think China's was a spectacular ceremony but thinking about how much money must have been put into it is incredible!

    I don't think money should be wasted on the olympics, just to make your conutry look better than the others.

  14. no london wont even try beating China's opening ceremony.  they have to spend millions of pounds to match it.

  15. Anything is possible, but I doubt they or anyone else will in the near future. The Opening ceremonies is truly the thing to beat, not 8 Gold Medals, not running as fast as lighting, but the Opening Ceremonies! Nothing came close in wowing me.

  16. considering it was prerecorded with special effects added in, and the song was lipsynched by a "sweet looking "girl while the actual singer "was too ugly for national t.v" and hidden off stage, i'm pretty sure even a third world country can beat that. did you also know that homeless people were rounded up and herded outta the city without food or shelter, and dogs were not allowed to be served in any restaurants within walking distance of the events!

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