
Can Mashed bananas be frozen?

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I have about 1 lbs. of ripe bananas sitting on my counter. I am using them to make banana bread, but something came up and I am going out of town and I dont want to come back to rotten bananas. Can I mash them and put them into freezer bags and freeze them?

Also what about grated carrots too? I have about 10 lbs of those in my veggie bin that I am using for carrot cake. Can I grate them and do the same?

Thanks in advance




  1. Put the bananas whole and unpeeled in a ziploc bag and freeze them. Mash when defrosted. Much better than mashing first!

    Raw carrots are harder because they're mostly water and freezing dehydrates things. You can freeze them blanched.

  2. Thanks for asking that question.  I throw so many bananas away and now I won't have to!

    I love baking banana nut bread!  

  3. Yes, you can mash and freeze bananas.  Actually, you don't even have to mash them.  You can just stick the bananas, peel and all, into your freezer.  I do that all the time.  If my bananas start to look like they are getting icky, I just shove them in the freezer to make banana bread with later.  They turn all black and wrinkly, but once you let them thaw a bit and peel them they are already all mushy and work great for banana bread.

    Grated carrots don't freeze so well without being blanched.  Blanching them is not too hard though.  You just have to put them in a strainer and then dip them in boiling water for a few minutes and then dip them in cold water for a few minutes and they're blanched.  If you don't do that they will lose their flavor in the freezer after a few days.  So only freeze vegetables without blanching them if you are going to use them within a few days.

  4. blackend bananas not "rotten" bananas are great for making banana bread actually. But i'm pretty sure that if you mash them they will be fine!

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