
Can McCain change his choice for VP (Sarah Palin) after he has named her his running mate?

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Can McCain change his choice for VP (Sarah Palin) after he has named her his running mate?




  1. Why should he change? Polls show she has been a great choice. Maybe Obama should change his running mate.

  2. He can but it would make him look like such an incompetent idiot that he would never do it at this point. Even if he decides he was 100% wrong he has to go with it.

  3. Yes, he can definitely change his choice.  It happened in 72 when George McGovern replaced Thomas Eagleton.  I think there's still time for Romney to make a pitch - his sons come across as decent, honest, moral Americans, who would not knock up a girl like in Juno.  Maybe there should be a website

  4. At the risk of America questioning his judgement and rightly so.

  5. Yep.  First thing is that she, like him, have to be chosen by the delegates.  And, she has to accept their nomination.  It would be a major blow to his campaign if he were to change our midstream, probably unrecoverable.  

  6. Democratic nominee George McGovern did this with Thomas Eagleton, but he still lost the election.

  7. He could but what is going to happen is this! Sarah will withdraw from consideration to try and cover up another McCain bad decision and in doing so the GOP will claim that it was the democrats and their henchmen in the Liberal press that unfairly drove her from the ticket! Those damb Democrats will do anything to get eleceted so you must vote Republician to stop this and keep this party going!....Wink,wink...Nod nod...Know what I mean?....Oh yeah!....

  8. His judgement will be questioned and his poll will go down.

    But I expect NRA Palin to make an excuse to leave to care for her 'family values' heh heh heh heh

  9. He's not going to.  His poll numbers have gone up.

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