
Can McCain clean up after Bush Or will he continue being Bush?

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Can McCain clean up after Bush Or will he continue being Bush?




  1. Not too long ago even the Dems were talking about how moderate McCain is and conservatives thought he wasn't conservative enough. Now Dems are calling him McSame? Ridiculous! Yes I think he will clean up. Anyone has to be better. Except maybe the socialist Obama.

  2. If he were to be elected  he might even be worse than Bush. Starting a War with Iran and Russia, with Sarah helping him along. But it won't happen

  3. Yes.  I don't think anyone could be as bad as Bush.

  4. I think its going to get way worse and then all that has happened so far will seem like a walk in the green zone I it my firm belief that Israel & American politicians are planning to start ww3 together McCain is a war monger  fear monger  but he has good taste buds for the Lady's and he gets more azz than I do . chow F.P

  5. It will take generations to clean up after the Bush fiasco, and John McCain could go at any second.

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