
Can McCain dump Palin after the Convention, if his numbers go down?

by  |  earlier

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anyone know, or is he basically stuck with her after the delegates have endorsed her nomination.




  1. I was wondering that too.  I believe he can ask her to resign, as McGovern did with Eagleton.  I imagine there's already a lot of pressure within the party, for him to do just that.

  2. I'm not sure if it is allowable but it would no doubt destroy him so he wouldn't do it.

  3. Oh, never underestimate the idiocy of the American people. After all, the executive branch has been occupied by a long and illustrious string of idiots- think Bush I & II, Dan Quayle, Gerald Ford, Eisenhower, etc.

    Trust me- should the McMaverick make it, I'm sure he and Peggy Bundy will slide right in there like nothing ever happened...and the beat will go on, the war will go on like nothing ever happened.

  4. It is possible! Not likely, but she could resign from the ticket. I don't believe she could be forced off though.

  5. The answer by William S offers a racist image, not to mention a homophobic comment.

  6. They are not going to.. They will be going up.. I know Obama's people are HOPING that this will backfire on McCain... However, it will not.. Obama and his people do alot of this Hoping but this time it will not help.....  

  7. That would really level his already shaky credibility.  He's made his choice, now he must deal with it.

    John McCain first met Sarah Palin  six months ago and has spoken with her just once before offering her the vice presidential slot on the Republican ticket.


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