
Can McCain match Obama's TV ratings or live audience??

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We all know Polls are so flawed because they are a of a limited population.

So let's just wait and see what McCain's TV ratings are at his acceptance speech. I doubt he can top Obama's numbers. And that is why McCain is scared...he knows that Obama has much more appeal then McCain does...and he knows on election day it will be the same outcome.

Also, let's look at the live audience at McCain's acceptance speech. Do you think he will have 80k plus? I'm not sure if he will have 10k.

Like it or not republicans...these are better numbers to look at...and you all know it.




  1. No he cannot

  2. Yes better numbers but more people voted for Gore than bush and yet bush still won so who knows if Barack Obama will even get a chance to get into office.

  3. Obama is the man.  he is a saint and a savior of all oppressed people.  rise up and join the revoloution.  save the oppressed.  

  4. No,But let me toss in one Name.John Kerry

  5. McCain can't match Obama's TV audience with his speech because McCain's just not that interesting. But, he doesn't need to. He can use the Palin and Hurricane Gustav to get the spotlight to distract us from the economy and the wars. And - the spotlight doesn't cost him a dime in advertising. Brilliant - and the media is falling for it.

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