
Can McCain officially take Obama's motto?

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McCain has chosen a candidate that symbolizes change. So is it fair to say the new McCain slogan can be "McCain for Change". Kind of ironic the candidate that spoke of change picked a Washington insider, and "McSame" is actually the one for change.




  1. I've chanted Obama's "Yes We Can" all day long--just to p**s off the libs and Obama's cult of personality.  But I digress.  I believe that PRESIDENT McCain can now officially take that motto.  

  2. That was Obama's motto?  I thought it was his entire platform.


  3. why don't you listen to the news for more than ten minutes.  

  4. McCain is a progressive politician whereas "Obama is an old style Chicago thug", Bill Clinton's words.

  5. He's a Politician! He's been taking Us for a ride for Decades! Why not ?!  :0

  6. You guys are hilarious!  You just couldn't wait to get your own minority, could you?  Lol, have fun, you look like a bunch of hypocrites today.

  7. I don't think he needs to.  Unlike some people, McCain apparently realizes that actions speak louder than empty buzz words.

  8. He didn't take it...he was kind of received from all the media hype today over his vp choice.  

  9. He souldn't take it he is like a reflection when bush looks in the mirror.

  10. "McCain For Change"  - he might as well since he's changed his mind on just about everything since becoming a candidate.

  11. McCain will not create change. We will stay the same course as always. People forget that our troops will be staying in Iraq for years to come if we choose McCain.

  12. Mccain doesn't want change..he wants votes..and just cause he chose someone with b***s as his vp doesnt mean im voting for him...

  13. McCain is going to change his diaper - and that's the kind of change we can get behind!!!

  14. No. But maybe "hair brainedd decisions" could be his motto.    

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