
Can Men & Women really be monogamous to each other?

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I really have a hard time believing that a person can stay with just one partner the rest of their life. What are your thoughts?




  1. I like to believe it... But with what I see happen to people all around me, or from my own experiences, I just can't put my heart into believing it.

  2. Personally, I think it depends who you are. Defining a relationship and placing a "title" on it is not for everyone. I found an article that I think might help you. I hope it answers some of your questions.

  3. If you really love each other and want the marriage to work then its easy.  My siblings and I all have been married for at least 12 yrs and our parents for 50 so its definitely possible, if you want to??

  4. Absolutely and without a doubt ! My husband and I have never and will never cheat on each other . I have no desire for any other man and he has no desire for any other woman . I know I could leave him a room full of beautiful naked women and he would never even think about having anything to do with them . He always tells me that if he wanted to just have s*x with any woman he could have done that at anytime in the years before he met me and now that he has me we MAKE LOVE not have s*x and there is a very big difference in the two . Random s*x is so transient and has no meaning . It clouds your soul and corrupts your spirit .  I was cheated on by my first husband too many times to count and NEVER once even thought about bedding another man , even though there were plenty of offers , and we were married almost 20 years before he passed away . I do not need to worry about that with my Second husband because they are as different as night and day .

    It is like this , if you let s*x run your life then that is all you will think about and want . If you have self control and and you love the person you are with you will never be tempted to cheat . My second husband and I are completely and totally devoted toward one another and do not need outside stimulus to keep us happy . We spend our time pleasing each other and not looking around for something / someone new . Our love is complete and and deep and we could never imagine any other person in our lives . Love takes two people completely and deeply devoted to one another fulltime to make a relationship work . I Know couples  who have been together for 50 - 60 years and never cheated and never even thought about cheating and are even more devoted and in love than they were 50 years ago .  My Husband and I are so greatful to God that he brought us together because we are complete and total Soul Mates . There is no room in our lives for anyone else . We are too wrapped up in each other to even think about anyone else . I wish that everyone could have the deep fulfilling love we have for one another . Just know that it is possible . It is easy to do and takes no effort . Just love the person with all your heart and you will never think of cheating . I hope this helps . Good Luck and God Bless.

  5. Yes it can...  It didn't happen for my first marriage.  However, I have found someone who cherishes the same values as I do.  We deeply love each other & the last thing we ever want to hurt the other.

    When you can see yourself in someone's eyes, you know that you never want to be with anyone else...

  6. Well my husband and i have been happily married 17+yrs and neither 1 has ever cheated and we never would.

    I dont want anyone else and neither does he.

  7. my husband I are and I am positive we will always be we have been together 12yrs.

  8. i believe they can also. i have cheated before BUT when i was with my ex i had no intention of cheating on him. i might have thought about it (as everyone does) but to do it? never. when you find that person that you love totally with all your heart its easy to just want them.

  9. It seriously has changed over the last couple of decades.  s*x has become way more open than it ever was.  People are cheating like crazy.  They don't necessarily want to but people are so open and forward now a days that you can be approached by someone that ends up being too hard to resist.  It is absolutely sickening.  I have been married for a while and have not cheated on my wife, however, I seriously believe that I couldn't keep from it if I was approached by the right woman.  I try to avoid such confrontation.  I would just hate myself if I fell into that.  However, I think the s*x is probably great because it is new and the rush of something so daring.  I need to I hope you find the right answer...

  10. It does happen.  Look outside celebrity relationships.

  11. absolutely they can; people simply need to be a bit less selfish and respect the person they are with.

  12. Did you know that in an average of 4,000 mammalian species, only a handful have ever been called monogamous. The tiny list includes beavers and a couple of other rodents, otters, bats, certain foxes, a few hoofed mammals, and some primates. How do they expect us to be monogamous?

  13. It can happen.  Takes WORK, though.  

  14. I totally believe that a person can stay with just one partner for the rest of their life. I hope I'm not the only one to think that!

  15. Of course they can.  

  16. it can happen...but it's rare nowadays...people are shalow and selfish..more in to money and power than comitment and family

  17. You have a hard time believing it because it's never evidenced itself in your personal reality perhaps. It's not the rosy picture painted in romance novels and chick flicks, that's a no brainer. But staying monogamous is not about being "able" to (because we are all able to do just about anything we set our minds to right? At least that's what I was taught, I cannot see how this could be the exception to the rule) it's all about intent and WANTING to. Many many people are just too selfish and never truly have the honest to goodness intent or desire to spend their lives with one person....sure they may *say* they do, but fact is actions speak louder than words.  

  18. I think so, it takes a lot of will, but it can be done.

  19. It depends...if your parents were divorced...then it is natural to think this way. If your parents died and were together...the you can...Take Care

  20. i'm sure they can.........but you have to WANT to... key point.  Not that many WANT TO....we live in a throw away society.......once something breaks ... we replace it with new instead of fixing the problem with the old.

  21. To many hotties walking around like Val, to give it up. I agree.

  22. Mickey, are you trying to lure me into the "Abe Lincoln" again????!

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