
Can Mets hold on THIS time?

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Grant it, while sweeping the Nationals and Pirates, doesnt quite make a statement, The Mets find themselves atop the NL East once again in a division of "yo-yo" teams.

Do you think this year they can hold on to the division, or will they crumble yet again at the end? Can Pedro, Santana, Pelfrey, Perez pitch good enough, consistent enough to post wins? Can the offense be steady down the stretch? Your thoughts as to why/why not.




  1. Santana might be the difference between this year and last year.

  2. Won't suprise me if they collpase again.  

  3. No.

  4. Of course they could...the question is will the bullpen stay together.  We have one of the best starting rotations in the leaugue...being biased i think it is the best.  We could easily be 20 games over .500 right now if not for all those blown games by the bullpen in late innings.

  5. They can hold on. They are doing okay even with Wagner out. The key is for Pedro Martinez to stay healthy

  6. Wagner always bails when they need him most anyway.  They can use this time to figure out who CAN close the important games in October.

  7. NO they cant the Phillies will beat them

  8. the Mets still have huge questions in the bullpen but does Philly have the starting pitching to catch them??  Reyes looks like he did 2 years ago and Delgado and Beltran are generating runs.  So I think they pull away from Philly and win this division.

  9. i dont think so

    this is the most flawed team in first place at least without billy wagner

    this is the worst bullpen

    i dont kno when they will notice

    people like scot shoenwise he cant pitch to righties

    joe smith cant pitch to lefties

    dis is why they keep losing

    if they dont make the playoffs its cause they didnt make a trade

  10. Well the Phils and the mets still play each other 5 more times this year. to be honest the way the Phillies offense looks right now I would say yes, the mets will hold on to 1st place. But if Chase can get his act together and Jimmy can start hitting like the reigning MVP then I think the Mets will lose their hold. The Phillies also need Kendrick to get his command back. His last two outings were awful.

  11. Yes, they can and will hold on. Last year was the only time in their history that they blew a lead down the stretch, so it isn't as though they are traditionally known as chokers. The Phillies simply don't have a good enough rotation to go all the way. The Mets' rotation, since Warthen came aboard as pitching coach, has three guys all pitching like aces, and Pedro is starting to show he can still pitch at a high level. Considering they've done what they've done without Beltran having a hot streak yet, there is no reason to think they won't be able to continue.

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