
Can Michael Phelps swim faster than a Dolphin?

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The fastest animal in the sea is a Sailfish. Now, nobody expects Phelps to be faster than a Sailfish, but he's not even as fast as a Dolphin. Now look at Usain Bolt, a guy SOOOO fast, that he actually has a higher top speed than animals that no human should ever be able to outrun. Usain Bolt makes Phelps look like a big fat slow couch potato by comparison.

Before Bolt, the fastest humans only had a top speed of 27 mph.

Bolt is SOOOO fast, that he's been tracked at a top speed over 32mph. Now that's faster than a White Tailed Dear, a Giraffe, A domestic cat, a Warthog, or a Reindeer. Bolt can catch all those animals, but I'd like to see Phelps even try and catch a Dolphin. He' be left in the wake current.




  1. sure bolt can run but he'll never be able to swim like phelps. in my opinion, comparing phelps to a dolphin is like comparing bolt to a cheetah, not a warthog,  bolt will never run that fast.. and why dont we stick to humans here. how many gold medals did bolt win? he definately didnt win 8 golds like phelps did, he is the absolute fastest human swimmer in history in just about every event. bolt can only sprint a short distances, phelps can sprint, and he can also pace for a longer race. in my opinion, phelps is better all around than bolt will ever be

  2. LOL! I think that would make a great event! Phelps vs. dolphin! Think of the gambling that could take could be at Vegas!

  3. Dinosaurs can run 45 mph.

  4. God, you SERIOUSLY need to get a life. I mean, I don't really get why you hate him so much?

    And I don't know if you've ever swam before, but swimming in water takes much more strength and energy than running on land does. A big fat slow couch potato?? So pretty much you're saying that he makes ALL swimmers look like big fat slow couch potatoes, seeing as Michael is pretty much the fastest swimmer in the Olympics. The human body wasn't made to move quickly in the water, yet Phelps is able to move not only quickly, but he also makes it look easy.

    Ok NO HUMAN will ever be able to swim as fast as a dolphin, EVER. So why does that make him any less of a swimmer?? You sound like an idiot. He's the fastest human in the water, and last time I checked, only humans swan in the Olympics.

    Please do us all a favor and get over it. Michael Phelps is an amazing athelete. End of story. And nothing you say is ever gonna change that, or take away his ummm...what is it....14 GOLD medals!!!

    And I'm not saying Bolt isn't an amazing athelete, he is in his own right. Swimming and running are two different sports, you can't compare them.  

  5. Wow thank you so much for posting this info. And no, Phelps may be the closest human to a fish, but its quiet possible he is faster than no fish that isn't a sandcrawler. Maybe he can swim faster than a stingray

    mccif, the dolphin is not the fastest sea animal, so dont compare bolt to the fastest land animal. And Bolt is naturally a 200-400m sprinter so again you're wrong on Bolt being a short distance sprinter, the 100m was an afterthought for him. The other thing you have flawed is comparing the range of swimming events can compete in and the range of track events one can compete in. If they were to add different styles of 100m and 200m like running backwards or sideways then Bolt could just as well be seeing 8 gold as well.

  6. I don't really care if Phelps can swim faster than a dolphin or if Bolt can run faster than a cheetah. They both can do their things a h**l of a lot faster than me.

  7. Water has a density that is about 300 times that of air, its not a fair comparison.

  8. so? so far, no scientists has been able to catch up to any of Einstein's theories, but does that make them less dumb? Bolt is dominating at what he does (running), and Phelps is dominating in what he does (swimming), and no comparison between them from any animal can deny that.

  9. This sounds like a question you came up with after one to many drinks...and I am sure an eagle can fly better than any person on the earth who is just flapping their arms...your point being?

  10. lmfao.

    The question is can YOU?

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