
Can Michael Vick?

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Can Michael Vick play in the NFL ever again?




  1. I doubt it very seriously.  His only hope is if he has a high powered attorney.  Expensive lawyer as well.

  2. Michael Vick never play in the NFL ever again.   He cancelled an intervuew in Atlanta today.  Perhaps reality is slowly clicking in.

    I think the question is if he can even play in the CFL like drug test failure  Ricky Williams did last season in Toronto.

    Pit Bull dogs are illegal to own in Ontario, the province Toronto is in.  No pit bull fighting either!

  3. Possibly.  Just don't bet on this dog to win this fight.

  4. I doubt it. The NFL is a business and having Vick on your team would be bad business. Whether that's fair or not is moot. He's 27 now, and his skills will inevitably deteriorate in prison/during suspension. So what team is going to want a 30 year old QB who hasn't played in two years whom the fans generally despise? He can't play in Canada because he won't be allowed to step foot into Canada.

  5. Depends on the sentencing, and the commissioner's decision. He'll probably be banned for 2 to 4 seasons.

  6. i hope not but he probably will get to

  7. He can and he will, that's why the Falcons aren't cutting ties with him.  As terrible as the things he did are, to me it's not much worse than beating up your wife or girlfriend and there are probably more than a hundred guys in the various pro leagues at this point who are enjoying lucrative careers after facing perhaps a few weeks of criticism and maybe a change of franchise for doing just that.  I'm not saying the Vick case is overblown, I'm saying that women beaters should get the same harsh punishment and criticism that Vick has recieved, and especially the same finanancial and career setbacks.

  8. Lots of people hope so.He made his public contrition act sincere and impressed everyone-that was a step in the right direction(even though he probably would have plead Not Guilty if he wasn't out maneuvered by the prosecution getting the gift of the other accused to plea to testify against him.)

    He acted sincere and  was convincing anyway  so that will help him.If  he keeps his nose clean for a few  years  and does his good deeds so everyone can see  them. He will be given a second chance.What he really should do is join PETA,or some animal kindness group unless he wants to face a lifetime of fans barking at him.

    Also as mentioned before, his age may  be a consideration,

    especially if there is a lot of good competition for QB on the Falcons when he is released from the slammer.

  9. this is for canadian football you should ask this again in american football
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