
Can Mo Williams help LeBron get a title?

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I believe he is better than Delonte West who remains unsigned but I think we need somebody who can help in the paint. I don't know but whats you guyses/girlses take?

League sources told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher the Bucks are weighing a three-way deal that would send Mo Williams to Cleveland, Joe Smith to Oklahoma City and Luke Ridnour to Milwaukee.

Sources now say that Cleveland is balking at taking on Williams' contract. OKC and Milwaukee are ready to do the deal. The trade is not dead, but I'm told as of right now it has stalled.

Cleveland had some interest in Williams last summer, and the Miami Heat made him an offer, but he chose to stay with the Bucks.

The Cavaliers have been unable to come to a contract agreement with point guard Delonte West, who is a restricted free agent this summer, and he could be part of the deal in a sign-and-trade, according to reports. -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel




  1. Yes! Finally someone else on the team who can score AND pass. He'll probably be even better with Lebron at his side. I just hope Delonte stays...

  2. I agree Mo Williams is an immediate help for PG, but it is really too early to say he is the missing piece for a title.

    A ball-dominant score-first PG, Mo will be a great sidekick for LBJ and his presence allows Mike Brown to throw in a young and competitive 1-2-3 combo in Mo, Daniel Gibson and LBJ, which is good enough to make a serious threat in the East in future.

    My concern is he has more Starbury in his mindset than Mike Bibby, and his adaptation should be more crucial than people think.

    Anyway it is probably the best move Danny Ferry can make at the time being.

  3. haha pennstat, that would never work, they wouldnt have the cap room for that. Unless they got rid of everyone else on their team. LeBron is going to want a c**p ton of money and so will melo and d-wade.

    But yes they do have a better chance at getting to the finals and winning it.

  4. Mo williams is a lot better than anything the Cavs have right now.  He would be a great upgrade.  Great assists, can score, and descent on defense as well.  It figures the Cavs would be stalling.  They are the worst team I have seen on getting complimentary players for Lebron.  It probably won't go down because it would actually be a good move and the Cavs don't do good moves.

  5. yes cause Williams gives you about 20-25 pts a night and he is consistent but Del.West never gived you 20-25 pts per night  

  6. Lebron has a better chance of going to NY than winning a title. and yes, the Red Sox will win this year.

  7. Yeah. He will definitely be the guy who can tutor Daniel Gibson and probably the go-to-guy after LeBron since Zydrunas is rusty now

  8. LeBron dont need no help

    pardon my combover u r so funny your name and pic LOL

  9. yeah...anyone is better then what they have now...other then booby gibson...i think they should sign lebron in 09 and then get wade or melo....they would dominate the nba

  10. I am going to kill Danny Ferry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if he doesn't get this done.  

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