
Can My Husband Be Charge with anything ?

by Guest58239  |  earlier

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December days before Christmas my husband and I were having some problems . We were sitting here at home arguing about those problems . All of a sudden my mind just went blank I got up and started downing bottles of pills . And he seen me do this . I must have had some kind of break down because I didn't fully understand what I had done . In stead of calling for help my husband leaves me lying there and goes to a friends house . The hospital said that if my mom would not have found me I would have been dead with in a half an hour .




  1. No. You could sue him (for divorce I'd suggest!) but also for failing to act when he had a duty to rescue. Generally, you are not obligated by the civil (not criminal) laws to help other people, but a spouse is obligated to help a spouse.

  2. no he can't be charged with anything, since you were the stupid one who downed the pills.

  3. No, because 1) you didn't die so there was no crime and 2) you took the pills yourself, so there wasn't any attempted homicide.  

  4. I suggest that you get mental help. Anyone that swallows enough pills to kill them is in need of professional help.

  5. I can't speak for other states, but here we have "Recklessly endangering another person"

    "A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if he recklessly engages in conduct which places or may place another person in danger of death or serious bodily injury."

    However I think there is more to the story and thus the above may not be applicable depending on what was left out, added, or altered.  Also it depends on how the above is interpreted.

  6. Marrying a fool is not a crime. He gets a walk this time. Sorry,I can never pass up a good straight line. He did nothing legally wrong. Morally he leaves much to be desired.If you haven't gotten rid of him yet do so immediately.

  7. If there was a charge for an inconsiderate selfless fool then yes he would be charged.So no he won't be charged.If this is the way he wishes to care for his wife then get rid of him,& you my dear there other ways of dealing with your problems than self harm.If you had passed from taking all those pills think of the heartache of your family.

  8. no he cant be charged. but you have got to get rid of that guy. how disgusting.

  9. and he is still your husband?

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