
Can My Nvidia Motherboard support an ATI Graphics card?

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I have been looking into getting a serious graphics card update, i currently have an integrated Nvidia 7050/610i, and was looking into getting and ATI 4850 HD, Seems like that card is the best for the money. I'm not sure if it would support it because it's an ATI, and i think there may be a chance an Nvida motherboard might only support Nvidia GPUs. Any clarity on this would be helpful.




  1. As a systems builder I have come across this scenario many times.

    Using an ATi card in a motherboard with an Nvidia chipset is entirely feasible, however as has been previously mentioned, you will not be able to use 2 ATi cards in crossfire mode as the Nvidia chipset does not support this.

    So yes, it will work, however from my experience I have noticed some  stability issues in the past, which I believe can only be attributed to driver clashes.

    Since then though, I have since stopped building ATi/Nvidia combinations.

    In conclusion, yes they will work, however you can expect stability and performance issues unless the driver software has been sorted out, which is unlikely since each manufacturer want you to combine only their own chipsets and GPU's.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.

  2. No no. it is my experience. i have tried it before and my computer was totally spoilt. I have to give it to the rubbish collector,

    Pls dont ever do that foolish thing in ur life.

  3. Pretty confident you can, just not crossfire support, i have a amd 690g motherboard with integrated radeon 3200, had to uninstall drivers for it and disable the vga shared memory in the bios first, then i installed my nvidia 8600 gts card then drivers, had slight difficulties but that was my own fault.

  4. Nope, it will support ATi Cards.

    However bieng an Nvidia board it will not support 2 ATi card together in Crossfire mode, only 2 Nividia cards in SLi mode. but if your only using 1 card that doesnt matter.

  5. no this is not like that. any mainboard will support any graphics card but sure about the version.

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