
Can My School Do This to us?

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I just opened a letter from my School (I would rather not name it) and they said they are changing our attendance policy (Again) last year it was:if you miss 12 or more days of school you cant get credit for the class you missed 12 days of in one semester But, it was removed in 4 months due it it being unfair (you cant take credit away for missing X amount of days)

Now it says "When a student is absent for the eighth time in any particular class, the student will receive an "F" grade on the report card and the "F" grade will go toward the students Cumulative GPA ."

It Goes on like that for 3 more paragraphs and it says if you are tardy to any class more then three times it will be considered an absence.

This School is big and has lots of students its not easy to be on time some times just walking there i will have only a minute to sit somewhere. As you can tell I am Tardy a lot I say the New Rule is S*** and it should be taken away like the last one.

What do you think?

Do you think the school is right to do this?




  1. ur school is just way too cruel      

  2. No, that's totally unfair.

  3. Unfortunately for you, Yes.  

  4. Sure it does.  If you are late because you think you have to always be sitting somewhere in between classes then I have no sympathy.  Sit in class instead of hanging out someplace and you won't be late.

  5. I think its a great idea! Kids are going to school, but are cutting class--great system in place

  6. So why are you incapable of getting to class on time when everyone else can manage it? I presume they haven't implemented a policy which will lead to every pupil getting straight Fs...

    School is there for your education. Your benefit. Nobody else. If you laze in the corridors and repeatedly miss the start of class the only person you are hurting is you. All your school has done is make that a bit more obvious to people who seem to think that avoiding lessons is somehow clever and mature.

  7. That is reasonably fair. I don't think you should be absent any more than a couple days from a school year. I personally haven't missed a day since fourth grade and I am going to be a freshman. I think it is completely fair honestly. There is no reason for a student to miss eight or more days unless they are ill in the hospital.

  8. yes, they can.  There are probably exceptions for legit reasons (such as a long hospital stay).  The same students tend to be tardy a lot and the same ones tend to be on time most of the time.  It is all about learning to be responsible, and since schools are supposed to teach... well, this is part of it.  You'll have to face even harsher guidelines when you have a real job.

  9. Well...when you're late for work regularly or you call off sick too much,you get FIRED!! Welcome to the real world, bosses don't care about you being stuck in traffic or not being able to find a close parking spot. That's reality. That policy is setting you up for success in your adult lives. Thank them for it!

  10. Yes they can, it is part of the policy of going there. However, if it takes that long to get to classes, suggest to the principal or school captain to extend the time between classes. If not, you will just have to deal with it. I know how long it takes to get around at our school, in one class, it's an 8 minute walk from one to another. However the teacher is nice and allows us 9 minutes to be there, other times the teacher is late.

  11. my school has the same rule. it sucks. good luck!

  12. Yes, they can and should.

    My local paper recently ran an article on a Chinese girl who was spending the summer taking calculus, not for credit, so she could take in again in the fall and get a A.

    And you want to know if your school is mean for expecting you to get to class on time?

    For future reference, that Chinese girl likes pickles, mustard and fries.

  13. I would say it motivates students to have some pep in their step. Life isn't always easy. Student's shouldn't just have their grades handed to them. Responsibility along with academics need to be taught. I'd say this school is on the right track. If tardiness seems to be a problem through the WHOLE school maybe they should re-evaluate the time students have to get to other classes.

  14. They can have whatever rule they want. Get to class!

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