
Can NOT wearing Rx glasses make your eyes sight worse?

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My sight is getting kinda bad but i don't wear glasses. Is it gonna get worse faster if I don't start wearing them? Or is it just going to progess like it normally would no matter what?




  1. Its gonna end up getting worst because you will strain your eyes to read things and the vision will get worst! So just call you eye doctor and make an appoitment and just see what they say about your eyes!! Hope i helped!

  2. Glasses can only make your eyes worse if you use them for a distance they were not designed for- ie- distance glasses for near work and reading glasses for distance viewing. Only you glasses when you really need to- if you are shortsighted, only use the glasses for distance viewing.

  3. Not wearing corrective lenses will NOT hurt your vision.

    This is a common myth, much like sitting too close to the TV or wearing the wrong Rx will harm your vision. These things have been thoroughly debunked.

    Your vision will get better or worse on its own. All you are doing is straining your eyes and tiring your muscles that allow the lens inside your eye to focus.

    Think of it this way. Glasses did not start to become a reality unitl the 17th century and not common place until the 19th century. I would imagine that if not wearing corrective lenses hurt your eyes that there would have been millions of blind people roaming the earth until the 19th century.

    Hope this helps. =-)

    (ps for the sake of your eyes though, please wear corrective lenses. It will save you possible eye strain, double vision, headaches, etc.)

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