
Can Obama Clinton unite in Unity NH?

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Former rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared together for the first time since the Democratic primary ended. Clinton pledged to throw her full support behind Obama.




  1. The blogs all over the net are saying that Obama supporters won't vote for him if Hillary is on the ticket and Hillary supporters won't vote for him if she isn't.  I was at the rally and it was a different story there.  Everyone seemed to have their eyes on the goal of getting Obama in the white house.  If Clinton is his VP - so be it, but she'd have more real power as attourney general, which is another good possibility.  I wasn't a supporter of hers in the past, but she made a great showing at the rally.  She was gracious and kind and seemed genuine in trying to get this country moving in the right direction.  He, in turn, all that she has accomplished, and when a guy in the crowd shouted "Hillary Rocks !!!" during his speach, he rolled with it and echoed the sentiment.  So to make a long answer short, lol - YES HE CAN !

  2. Let's hope so. I want them to run together as president and vice president.

  3. They will do whatever they think they have to do as far as it being real unity I don't think so.we will just have to watch and wait.

  4. no. its impossible for two people who have their eyes set on the same goal, to simply unite and let one get president and the other VP.

    it's literally not possible without them destroying each other.

  5. Yes.

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