
Can Obama Make Up His Mind? ?

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While in the senate for one year mostly, since the next year he spent mostly campaigning, Obama could not even decide on a yes or no vote on 130 different legislatures so he marked them as PRESENT. If Obama wins can we trust him to make decisions or will he continue to stay in the middle?




  1. No we can't he can't even make up his mind when it comes to his campain first it was the church, than it was Iraq,than it was offshore drilling I can;t wait to see whats next

  2. * you want to vote for someone who supported Bush 95% of the time which....*cough and as a result 80% of Americans disagreed with?  Leaving our country in this mess.  You will have to look at it like that then make your choice on who you are voting for.

  3. No, he has so many people working for him, he doesn't know who to copy.

  4. no

  5. He will make decisions based on what he perceives is in his own best self interest.^

  6. I was a McCain supporter until Palin came into the picture.  Now, I have decided to vote for Obama

  7. He can't make up his mind because he doesn't know what he believes, if he gets elected our country is in major trouble!

  8. you don't know what voting present means.

    You vote present when there's a technicality in the bill that could reduce its effectiveness, until it is corrected, it stays in the "maybe" pile, hence his present votes. 130/6,000+ really isn't a lot, nice try though!

  9. It seems that Obama's mind is made up by the current polls, Or by the group of people he is currently speaking to.  By saying what the people want, he can fool them into thinking that he is for them.  By using vague meaningless terms, like "change" and "hope", he can use peoples imaginations to make himself seem like a great candidate.  He can't let himself be pinned down on any issue, because then when he is addressing a different group of people he may feel that they want a slightly different answer.   You can see this in how often he changes his opinion on major issues.  He simply goes with the wind.  The people that aren't really paying attention think he's GREAT.  Unfortunately, that describes a great deal of people in this country.  The Democratic party is made up of the uninformed and easily manipulated.

  10. you can't trust anybody.

    stop living your life based on who's president. worry about something else for a change

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