
Can Obama make an argument that McCain has bad judgment for picking Palin?

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We are currently in two wars and a possible confrontation with Russia and McCain picks a 44 year old hockey mother with ne foreign policy experience to be his right hand person on a gamble to get the women vote. You can say Obama lacks experience but his pick of Biden was good judgment. If McCain has health problems why would he take a risk like this. He is always saying America first, this just shows his political ambitions are more important than our security.




  1. Quick answer to your question - NO

  2. Yes.  McCain has made a poor choice.  This is a woman that has only lived in a state of a 600K population.  This would be like choosing the mayor of Baltimore... except that a mayor of Baltimore would have more political chops dealing with a diverse population of extreme economic backgrounds... and would share borders with other competitive cities.  Alaska is a isolated and transient community that is mainly supported by 3 industries.

    Personally, I don't get McCain's choice.  I know she is a woman but come on... is that enough?  There are much more respectablly qualified women in the GOP than Palin.

  3. He could.. but he would be wrong.. In any case those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  4. I hope if something should incapacitate McCain, Palin steps down for someone more qualified or failing that, gets impeached.

  5. I think she was an excellent choice.  That will be Mrs. Vice President to you.


  6.  Have you seen HIS running mate?!?!

  7. yes... McCain is thinking from his alternate male brain

  8. he sure can, and will.

  9. Obviously!

  10. I'd trust her handling a war more than I'd trust Obummer with it.

  11. Yes. Absolutely

  12. Obama can't make the argument that anyone in the world has bad judgment, not after examples of HIS judgment, like Rev. Wright, Rezko, Goolsbee, Ayers, etc, etc.

  13. He can try.  And he will fail.

    His antipathy towards those not like him will haunt him if  he tries.

  14. I believe that Obama could make such an argument, but I rather doubt that he will, all that nasty, mud slinging does not seem to be his style. He is too much of a gentleman for a below the belt punch.

  15. You are absolutely correct.  He puts political ambition ahead of his country.

  16. Yeah, Obama with zero experience, can (attempt) make a case for the (perceived) lack of experience in the other party's Vice Presidential slot.

    If you can ignore the Rev Wright, Ayers, Dohrn and Rezko I guess you would swallow this too.^

  17. She was willing to give one of her begotten sons to fight in Iraq, so he may get some votes from her selection.

    Besides, she is against a woman's right to choose.

  18. She has more experence than he does.  And she's not all whacky on the issues.

    She's better than McCain in my opinion.  And she is ProLife.

  19. This is so true it a wonder how he using the women voter here in the USA all because they do not like Obama he feel he can plac on this

    like they are weak minded.

    I hope they can show McCain and his rich friends how strong they really are....

  20. No more than McCain can make that obama has bad judgment for picking biden. By the way biden also has no foreign policy experience, Congress does not decide foreign policy. Congress does decide economic policy and in that biden has proven he knows little about that to.

  21. no,he has no executive experience.she has a 25 billion dollar surplus and has torn up the republican party with change we can believe in!

  22. I think that she would be great for America. You want change dude. This is it a true American with all the right values. Risk what risk. Obama is the risk he has been caught time and time again in lies and whining like a little bitty baby if anyone dares to  challenge him. Also with MSNBC and CNN campaigning for him non-stop he is really not that high in the polls right now. I wouldn't worry about sleeping at night with her behind the wheel but with Obama God help us.  

  23. "The other guy has a VP as inexperienced as me" is not a good argument for a Presidential candidate.

    "Obama has been in the world arena for the last two years and he camo out on top."

    Campaigning and travelling around is not "experience".

  24. Biden is an angry twirp, a long-time Washington insider with no accomplishments to show for it.  Sarah Palin is a maverick, a reformer, and a whistleblower, even against someone in her own party.  She has ten years of administrative experience, which is ten years more than the combined total of both people on the Obama/Biden ticket.  If Obama wants to bring up the question of judgment in selecting a VP, he will make himself look bad and McCain look good.  

  25. Jim T, I hear you. It's a tragic and dangerous situation, she is totally unqualified and unprepared. He put his personal and political interests before his country's. I am beginning to think all he wants to do is surround himself with beauty queens he can perv on during his last years on this earth.  What idiot would think she is capable of negotiating with Putin when she could not even  run a state of less than a million people for 20 months without getting in trouble for abuse of power?

    Can someone please provide a link of her saying anything regarding her position on international or foreign policy? Russia? Afghanistan? India? Iraq? Anywhere?

    What about National policy?  Anything?  

    Nothin.. nadda... zero...

    But there's a sh  itload of stuff on polar bears and moose hunting. That's change we can believe in.

    But look at all these lame answers you're getting. School must be on recess break. Try posting after all the children have gone to bed. You'll get better results. :)

  26. It's really worse than that. Palin wasn't his choice at all. He wanted Lieberman. He caved to party pressure to pick someone to "engergize the base". But yeah, he wants to be President over any other consideration --  that's been his goal for the last twelve years.  

  27. She's more experienced than your little black hater but he wants to be president because he says washington needs fresh people.  Palin is fresh too.  McCain took that argument away from you guys by picking her and you got nothing else.  whaaaaaaaaaa.

    To bluelady below.  Your from Canada we don't care aboot your crappy opinions.  Go suck a moose

  28. Barack Obama judgment is so bad how can he knock any one his friends his church for 20 years

    not picking Hillary who had more votes then he did ,, Sarah Palin knows drikkking will not hirt the polar bear

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