
Can Obama still beat Hillary?

by Guest57032  |  earlier

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He just HAS to...Is it still possible? :(




  1. I hope not, hillary needs to get in office and help our eceonomy like she has before in 1993-2000!!! And why the h**l do we want a muslim president???? Are we forgeting that muslims bombed us?

  2. Technically, yes. Will he? Who knows?

  3. Yes, it is just the beginning of the process.  You can not make an accurate prediction of the overall result.  But do remember, the person with the money and the contacts usually wins.

  4. If you really knew anything about Obama, you wouldn't be voting for him. Not that Hillary is that much better.

  5. What this means (and this is a good thing) is that the democrats of this nation want continued debate, discussion, and refinement of position.  Iowa said..."Whoa, we don't want this decided so quickly."  New Hampshire said..."Wait a second, we want a few more debates and discussions than what you guys want."  The result is gonna be that the dem candidate will be tested, refined, and supported on their own through a tough process.  Can Obama still win?  "Yes" and probably will.  Being 'Underdog' is actually very good for him and should pay off in Nevada and S. Carolina.  But more importantly, super Tuesday will definately go to him.  So if he can win one state prior to Super Tuesday, he'll be in a weird position of being the underdog with the best chance of winning.

  6. Of course!

  7. At this point it's anyones guess who is going to only takes one misstep or wrong word to throw it all away.

  8. in bed, endurance and stamina, u bet !

  9. Yes, we can....Yes, we will!!!

  10. He seemed to be singing a different tune from what he was when he thought he and Edwards had a better chance (at the debate). Do you suppose he will start kissing up to her for a Vice Presidency spot?

  11. Yes he can...

    He needs to do well in Michigan and then on to South Carolina where he is polling well... It is not over yet.

    Romney 08'

  12. Yes, they are pretty much tied up right now.

  13. Does it make that much of a difference???No amnesty supporter for illegals will win>>

  14. Sure can, there are 48 states who have yet to vote.  Don't let the media and Yahoo! posters get you to believe otherwise.

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