
Can Obama win since he never ran against a candidate from another party, only Chicago shoe size contests ???

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Can Obama win since he never ran against a candidate from another party, only Chicago shoe size contests ???




  1. No he cannot win, and his foolish choice of Biden for VP has only sealed his fate.

  2. Obama ran against Alan Keyes, a Republican, and beat him in a landslide. The previous Republican nominee for Senator, Jack Ryan, had to withdraw due to a s*x scandal.  

  3. Not really.  

  4. Lol, this is a funny question, and I hope you meant it that way.

    He won Illinois by a landslide in 2004, and he won the votes of 18 million votes in the primaries.

    The only candidate I would wonder about is Palin. The largest number of votes she ever got was 113,000, and that was in the election for governor. Before that, all she got were a few hundred votes to put her in her part time mayor's seat in her town of 9000.

  5. Hillary is the only candidate he has ran against in his own party.  For the Senate election he got rid of his opponents.  His was the only name up for election.  That's a sure win.  Dirty politics, but, he is from Chicago.  So what do you expect.

    No, he won't win.

  6. Oh yes. McPOWs running mate selection proves he's thrown in the towel.

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