
Can Omega3 make you fat?

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Can Omega3 make you fat?




  1. Normal doses? No.

    Overindulgence of anything (with calories) can make you gain weight.

  2. i don't think so. I take 3-6-9's and I'm OK.

  3. I take it daily and it has not caused weight gain. I think people get confused that because Omega-3's are fats, you must gain weight.  It actually can aid weightloss and a low-fat diet is really not the best way to lose weight. We need the right fats in our diet.

    Do a search on the beneifts of Omega-3's.  It is also good for

    the brain and cardiovascular system.  It is even being proven to help with joint pain. I like Dr. Mercola's website for all my health, vitamins, natural ways to eat/live info. Visit his site and click around the archives and/or do a search.

  4. NO. I have been taking them for a mild arthritis and chest pains. Went for many tests and came up with nothing, but pain persisted, until I started taking 3 a day of Omega-3 and now it is all gone

  5. i have been taking it for a few years and it has not affected my weight

    i take about 3 capsules a day

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