
Can Ouiji boards hurt you or make your house haunted?

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I want to do a Ouiji board with my partner in our house. Can they have any bad outcomes or is it safe if you say bye at the end of it. We would only ask friendly questions.





    you take your mouse and put it on a flat hard surface on you and anothers knees or on a table and put your fingers both on the mouse and you can work it like a ouija board online

    Religion can make you superstitious, so be careful which religion you pick. It is tricky.

  2. I don't think so, however people have told me otherwise..

    go for it though and learn for yourself!

  3. Ouiji boards are not somthing to play with and if you dont close it properly you can open portals .  Never play with Ouiji board alone and Never Burn a Ouiji board.  They can cause more problems then you ever expected.

  4. If this was actually true I would also assume that a used or antique board by a deceased person(s) would be even more  successful or dangerous. Some boards are supposedly highly prized around $500.00 and collected whereas others are fakes or "recently" counterfeit. Any antique collectible could have a spiritual connection though. But, the likelihood of these spirits actually making their presence known wouldn't require something like this anyway. You may just as well go see John Edward and ask him. The idea or notion of a baby spirit contacting you is even more unlikely. If they are in someway attached to you than they will probably be with your next child you have. A deceased relative or friend may even adopt or take care of your baby.

    The idea that a spirit of a young baby crying without anyone to console it is really depressing and you should consider some spiritual and or professional support instead.

  5. Ouija boards cannot do any of the things claimed about them.  What they do is provide a means for people to freak themselves out, have little hysterical experiences, and consequently believe anything in that highly suggestible and vulnerable state of mind.  They are not dangerous, but undisciplined belief in nonsense and superstition can be.  Over 900 dead people in Jonestown bear silent witness to that.

  6. stay away from the ouiji board.  it can be an opening or a passageway for friendly as well as unfriendly spirits.  you can never tell the outcome as it has no filter to filter out the negative.  it is not safe.

  7. No, but they can make you think your house is haunted... which is pretty much the same.

    @wushuboy - nicely put... you wouldn't be a fan of Pascal by any chance would you?

  8. dont play with the devil

  9. everyone thinks this is some game board that's made by a company that loves to entertain .... who really made the game ?And are you really willing to take a chance and gamble with a item that is so unpredictable,and has the    possibility of effecting your for ever?this is no toy!!!!!you could open gates you may never be able to close.and just so you doesn't matter what questions you ask!your inexperience makes you an easy target for whoever or whatever decides to answer. so please take three steps back from the board and play checkers or something.and if you have used the board dont destroy have to have the same one in case you need to fix anything you might have already  started.take heed and be safe.......blessed be

  10. Ouija boards are just peices of wood and plastic. Many tales and legends have been passed down about unverified claims about what can happen when you use ouija boards.

    However, ouija boards are a form of devination or talking to the dead, depending on your belief. According to both the Bible and many occultist, this is accomplished by the use of demons and demonic possession.

    So here are your options.

    A) you believe in God and the supernatural, and Ouija Boards are a one way ticket to h**l.

    B) you believe in supernatural, but not God, and its no problem to allow demons to possess you and take over your body.

    C) you dont believe in either, in which case you wouldnt be asking, or caring about such things.

    Come on, lets be serious here for a minute. You obviously believe in this stuff, and whether its real or not, nothing can possibly come from using a ouija board but trouble, weather its your imagination or demonic influence.

    edit: Jeff H. Thank you. I am guessing you are refering to Pascals Wager? I am vaguely familiar, although I can see the connection now that you mention it.

  11. Please dont do it.  I dont doubt that you would only want to ask friendly questions and be polite and kind, but you dont realise what you could be getting into.  If a strange man knocks on your front door at 3am would be be friendly and kind and invite him in etc?  Think of the Ouija board as a doorway, a portal, when you begin, you automatically open up a portal and any strangers can come in, your house is a free house.  Just saying goodbye and putting the board away does not close that door.

    If you wish to pursue an interest in communicating with spirit, then there are much safer ways to do it.  Look for your nearest Spiritualist Church or group and talk to them.  They know about what can happen, and how to deal with anything unsavoury.

    Be safe.

  12. They can make your house hanted but not always. Their dangerous and I wouldn't recommend them but if you rerally want to use one be my guest. The problem with them is you don't know who you can talk to. It can be a ghost, a spirit, or inhuman. I've used them and talked to some ghosts. One was nice and talked to use. Then it said something evil was coming and we talked to this spirit who wanted to rape my friends wife. You can use it but your house can get haunted from it. As for getting hurt, you'd need to p**s off a pretty high level demon.

  13. First- Dave- your answer was great!  

    Anyway- I used to play with an Ouija board all the time, even alone and nothing ever happened.  Ever.  But From what I have read since then, I wont ever play with one- I dont want to mess around with something that I dont know anything about.

  14. No to both questions. It's only a board game, a toy. You can even find a glow-in-the-dark version at Toys R Us (see link).

  15. If you open yoursewlf to the evil forces of the world,it could happen

  16. It all depends on your faith....if you believe things can happen then yes...if you do

  17. Do not play with anything you don't know about.  Ouija boards were invented as a parlor game for ladies I believe in the late 1800 when spiritualism was first popular.  I am sure it started out innocently enough.  But lets move to modern times and a comparison.  I could tell you that I am 5'2" 20 years old and have blonde hair and blue eyes.  Who would be the wiser?  You can't see me, so you can't say for sure.  The same example can be used for a Ouija board.  A spirit ( and you might should hope that it is a spirit) contacts you thru the use of the board.  How do you know that it is in fact who it claims to be?  You can't see it, so you do not know.  There are 3 main things that can contact you by various means...ghost, spirits and inhumans.  But do you really want to take the chance..I wouldn't.

  18. If you don't know what you are doing .... you could create bad problems.

  19. No matter what questions you ask it can attract bad spirits its best not to risk it.

  20. A friend and I were using one years ago. The indicator started moving very strongly and we both took our hands off it. The indicator moved from the middle of the board to the edge of the board and fell off all by itself. Neither one of us was touching it. Draw your own conclusions, but we won't use one of those boards again.

  21. NO

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