
Can Pangasius Catfish, comet goldfish and pearl gourami live together in my aquarium?

by Guest63301  |  earlier

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i recently got an aquarium and just set it up....some how i ended up with 1 Pangasius Catfish, 2 pearl gourami, and 4 small comet goldfish... i was wondering if the mix works and also if i can can add prawns to the tank?




  1. The goldfish need their own tank as to the huge amounts of ammonia they produce.  Most other fish can't handle the ammonia.

    Im just wondering, what size tank do you have?

  2. The goldfish alone won't fit in that tank.

    It will be small now but fish grow fast and one comet will need a 55 gallon tank by itself.. They get to be 16" Long easily. The pangasius will reach around 39" long and they are group fish and don't do well on their own, especially when they are small.

  3. how big is the tank?

    Regardless the pangasious will not work.

    This picture is probably more effective at showing why than a description is.

    the catfish?

    Expect AT LEAST an inch or 2 a month.

    I had a 19 month old that was 2 feet, until it got eaten by a retailed catfish.

  4. I would not mix these fishes. The goldfish are temperate water fishes, and do not do all that well at the tropical temps the other fish require. It's not that they are any more messy than topical fishes, just that they do not always adapt well to warmer temps. Also, please realize that the Pangasius catfish (a.k.a. iridescent shark) is going to get LARGE. This is a fish that can reach 4 feet in length, and is not really suitable for a home aquarium. Eventually this fish will outgrow your tank, and probably bash up its face in the process as they are kinda skittish. This is very common with these fishes when kept in small tanks.


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