
Can President Barrack Obama walk on water?

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I heard he did. I heard he could call down fire from heaven and make the earth shake whilst stomping. He dried-up the Mississippi and made it rain frogs.




  1. He'll wet himself in November when McCain walks all over him.

  2. His followers think he can.

  3. He can't walk on water, but maybe he can dig us out of this s**t-hole that Bush dumped us into.

  4. Yes in the winter. That was not hard, what else you got.

  5. I think I have fallen in love with you.

    McCain '08

  6. He has some special flip flops for that particular feat of Biblical proportions.  They're extra large, and look a little like scuba fins.  

  7. Why yes he can...why do you ask?

    edit: Oh...and so nice of you to concede the election.

  8. Well he is, The One. {chorus of angels singing in the background}

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