
Can Private Adoption Ever Be Ethical Adoption?

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Countries where private adoptions are outlawed agree that by their very nature, private adoption is unethical and coercive:




  1.  I'm afraid that I partly agree with some answers but the process of adoption is so complicated that agencies is the only way to go. The problem is finding the right one and which focuses on the wellbeing of everyone involved. I'm using this site if anyone cares to check it out. It is helping me a lot and I understand the fees better and the process;


    Good luck!

  2. I think women should only choose private adoptions. As womens, we should stop other people from profitting and making a living from the making of a child. It did not cost to make them, it should not cost to transfer ownership of them to someone who is deserving if we so choose. Follow the laws of your state, let the adoptive parents hire a lawyer talk only to their lawyer and take out the middle (agency) man who does nothing but profit off of the sale of your child. Women who use agencies want to profit just like the agencies, give them a crumb and they sell their souls. If you want to give a childless couple the gift of raising a child, then let it be a gift, that leads to your child having more, not a total stranger giving you a crumb of the pie (adoption fees), while paying for his family way of life off of your child. If I came up to someone and said I will find your child a good home for $20,000 and I will give you a thousand dollars when I get the money and send you to a few classes. Most would look at me like I am crazy. No one looks at agencies like that but they should. They should. We are not in the 60's. As women we are more aware of the laws now then ever, and we should do what is best for our child without lining someone else pocket. Even if that pocket is yours. Children should not be bought or sold. The people who do the least end up with the most money in adoptions. That is not right and women should in this day and age stand up and drive them all to reasonable and LOW cost. How do we do that... quit selling!

    Give your child to someone who would make good parents, the law will automatically let you know if they are the capable of taking care of your child. The FBI will tell you. You do not need an agency for that. It is built into adoption. So for all of you people saying money is the only thing that matter, it is not. It is the only way to descriminate, so that the rich have first bids at adopting. That is all it is. Middle class familes are fine as well, but they want to keep us from adopting, because adoption fees no matter how high are nothing for the rich. The agency has their money and can continue to live the life of Riley, dealing infants to the rich and wealthy. If you are middle class you should have no problem giving your child to someone in the middle class. If they are upstanding with the laws of the land that is. They should not have to bring $20,000+ to the table to prove their love. Did the mothers have to put up that amount of money to make the darling? No, it was freely made and it should be freely given. American should stop the trafficking of adoption, through its high fees, and instead keep all of the laws the same and take away the money aspect of it. You should still be required to prove that you can afford the child, just not have to pay for the child as a bidder. Who will step right up and pay $25,000 for this newborn infant. You can have him if the price is right! Get rid of agencies!


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