
Can Proffesional Boxing damage you longterm?

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Damages like brain damage etc.If yes, why?

Does the same occur in amateur boxing.




  1. Yes some brain injury is to be expected if you are in the game consistently for a very long time.

    The guy above is mostly correct except what he says about amatuer boxing being safer because of the head gear and standing eight count etc. during fights.

    The damage is not accumulated in fights. It occurs mostly during the 100-200 spars you have may have leading up to a single fight.

    The best way to protect yourself is to be careful how you spar.

  2. Yes it can if your not smart. The thing is that if you dont know how to protect your self right your gonna eat a lot of shots. The more shots you take the more damage its gonna do to you in the long run. So that plus having a lot of fights a year can end your proffesional career early.

  3. Allot of boxers suffer brain damage from boxing. When your head gets jarred you brain smashes on the inside of your skull. You have layer of a gel like substance for protection. But after enough years the protective Gel wares away and your brain hits the skull directly which causes bruising on the brain leading to what Muhammad Ali has which is Parkinson's syndrome, not Parkinson's.

    Muhammad Ali's dis function is a motor skills problem not a mental, Ali is still very sharp but the part of his brain that was damaged effected his motor skills.

    You can see different types of brain damage in other fights, Riddick Bowe, Evander Holyfield. The same does not occur in amateur boxing because they use headgear and fights are stopped much quicker and they still institute the standing 8 count which gives the ref a chance to evaluate the fighter and stop the fight preventing serious damage.

  4. about 40% of boxers with over 20 professional fiights show noticeable brain damage

  5. yes. have you seen M. Ali recently?

  6. all contact sports have the possibility to leave long term injury. look at professional soccer and football players who have numerous injuries and some even brain damage.

  7. Take a look at Ali.........

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