
Can RIP VAN WINKLE be seen as a model American Romantic hero? why or why not?

by Guest64185  |  earlier

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Can RIP VAN WINKLE be seen as a model American Romantic hero? why or why not?




  1. No, not an American Romantic hero . . .he was a lazy man who hated working on his farm. . .his wife nagged at him all the time. . .to escape her he went into the mountains and fell asleep for 20 years. . . when he awoke and came down the mountain, his wife was dead, all his friends gone. . .so his now fully grown daughter took him in. . . .A romantic hero is someone you admire. . .someone who has better  qualities than the average person . . .Rip Van Winkle had none of these . . .

  2. I don't think so, he just fell asleep for to many years. How is he a hero?????

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