
Can Radiotherapy be taken With Chemo? (Lung Cancer and Sarcoma)?

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Hi Sirs and mdms, sorry for the bother.

I wish to ask that is it possible for one with lung cancer to take chemo, and also having sarcoma on the foot to take radiotherapy treatment.. Is this possible?

My mother is having this 2 problems, but the doctor just don't allow my mum to take radiotherapy and i don't understand why. He says that since chemo is done, radiotherapy has to be opt out. But the problem is my mother keep experiencing pain on her sarcoma.. And couldn't sleep at night. And the infection causes a lump on my mother's thigh. All along the doctor mention (for the foot sarcoma) is to amputate my mum's foot. Is this doctor Responsible.. Not allowing my mum do radio therapy, and only mention amputate and amputate..




  1. Well, the doctor may not be responsible, however you can take radiation with chemotherapy. You realize the side effects of radiation? Serious brain damage, radiation does not just attack the cancer, it attacks the entire body even the good cells. So radiation is always a last resort.

  2. Radiation may not be any use to your mother depending on the type of Sarcoma. The bone cancer I had wouldn't respond to radiation treatment. It may be the same way for your mother.

    As for the doctor pushing for amputation in some cases amputation is the best way to get rid of the cancer.  It sounds scary but as someone who went though it it's not that bad. Better to get rid of it rather then suffering with cancer.  

  3. I'm not entirely sure, but my mother is also battling lung cancer, and has done a chemo treatment every other week for 10 weeks now. They did another scan to see how the chemo is helping, and they told her it has decreased 50%, and after two more treatments they are going to do one radiation treatment. Doctor said it will put her into remission. I will pray for her and your family, because I know this is not easy to deal with.

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