
Can Roger Federer complete a career grandslam?

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Do you think he will be able to win the French?!




  1. I would love to see Roger Federer complete a career grandslam... almost as much as I want to see Nadal do the same (match Agassi with the Golden Slam).

    Even though Federer has proved he could beat Nadal on clay at the Hamburg Final, Rafa still own Roland Garros. Roger is one of the best players I've ever seen (and I am one of those old-timers who remembers playing with a wooden racket), but if he's playing a healthy Rafa, I don't see Roger winning the French.  3 sets is a huge feat with Nadal on the other side of the net, especially on a surface slow as clay.

  2. Nope ...Rafa owns the French :) ..btw i love tht picture...where did you get it??  

  3. I think he still has a chance to do it. Andre Agassi won the French open at age 29 when nobody really gave him a chance. On top of that, he was not really considered a "natural" clay court player. Federer has been the number 2 player on this surface for the past several years. For the most part, Nadal has been his only real nemesis on this surface. Obviously, the window gets smaller the older you get, but as Agassi proved, it is definitely possible.

  4. I want to see him take Nadal at the French, but who knows..... He's looking pretty shabby lately

  5. The only way he would be able to win the French is if Nadal is injured. Nadal is the king of clay and rules Roland Garos. He is unstoppable and has barely lost any sets at the French Open. Nadal is an amazing player who has proven he has great potential and promise. Nadal will complete a career grandslam and pass the record of slams won.  

  6. sick picture... very cool!  

    no i do not think federer will complete the career slam.. if he has never managed to win the french open while being at his best leveal.. then i doubt he will be able to win it when he is subpar, or slumping..

    expecially these days with younger players coming out, who might be more amped on clay, and if nadal keeps his dominance on clay

  7. Well in the same fashion it took Nadal to win Wimbledon, I really do not see why Roger can't do the same thing at the French Open as well. We all knew that Roger was not going to be able to win Wimbledon every single year, and I would suspect that this same logic holds for Nadal at the French Open as well. He is great on clay but at some point someone is going to beat him there. If that person is not Roger, then whoever takes out Nadal at the French Open will give Roger a huge opportunity to win that elusive French Open to complete his career Grandslam. It may seem like a longshot now, considering the poor form of results Roger has been having lately, but anything is possible. And Nadal has most definitely proven that this year!!!

  8. Maybe lol he has a chance

    ps who is that hot guy you have as your avatar?

  9. If anything you can learn by Rafa outlasting Federer and winning Wimbledon is that anything is possible in tennis. Federer has been to the French Open finals for three straight years and he's obviously the second best clar court player right under Rafa. The only liable reason he could beat Rafa straight up is if he gets taken out early, is injured or tired. But Federer has proven that he can beat Rafa on clay before and I see no reason why he can't ever beat him again even at Roland Garros. People seem to think Federer's age gets in the way but if you compare the two Federer has been virtually injury free his entire career pretty much while Rafa is 22 and already having to wear tape on his knees and pulling out of tournaments because of his knees. Federer's problem this year seems to be confidence and mentality, nothing physical. I will never believe Fed can't win the French with or without Rafa's presence. Agassi won the french at 29 and people had given him no chance and written him off just the same way people are writing of Fed right now. Rafa may seem unbeatable at the French just like Fed seemed unbeatable at Wimbledon, no player is truly invincible. I believe Federer will win his career grandslam, and sooner than than we think.



    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!11


  11. I would say hands down, no. Not only is Federer not playing his best tennis, but he can't win the French when he IS playing good. I mean, Nadal beat him so badly this year, he didn't even drop to the ground in celebration after the last point! He just put his hands over his head and walked to the net because he did not want to humiliate Roger! Nadal just has that wicked topspin that just takes that nasty hop and i do not think anybody could handle it. I would be extremely surprised if Nadal lost the French and even more surprised if federer won.

    P.S.: That guy on her avatar is Rafael Nadal. Or at least im pretty sure :P

  12. his chances are getting smaller and smaller every year

  13. once he starts getting his confidence and gets back winning and motivated again and if rafa gets beaten by someone else before roger reaches the final or if rafa has a really bad day or is injured during the match. Then yes i think roger has chance.

  14. a BIG no. mission IMPOSSIBLE. He's not getting any younger and considering that there are so many younger talented guys around - it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to complete the ELUSIVE grandslam. I think NADAL has a better chance to complete the Grandslam. if NADAL wins the US Open - then he has a HUGE chance to do it next year by winning the AUSTRALIAN OPEN.

  15. roger accomplira le grandslam de carriere!

  16. Only if something happens to Nadal next year. Then yes, because hes the 2nd best clay court player in the world, but otherwise no, for the same reason.

  17. No way !! Never when Rafa is playing in the French anyway lol.  He might have a chance if Rafa gets injured and is unable to compete but lets hope that never happens :-O.  I don't think it would count anyway if he didn't beat Rafa lol.  I mean technically it would but he would have to beat Rafa to be the total winner :).  Rafa on the other hand will defo complete a career grandslam, I'm sure :).  He has a really good chance to win the US this year then the Aussie next year !!! Woooop, go Rafa !! :)

    ps that is one HOT avatar !!!!! :)

  18. i dont think so.  nadal is just so dominant in clay.  i think he can beat federer even when injured.  and consider the age factor.  federer is not getting any younger and nadal is just peaking up.  there really is no chance.  by the time nadal is ready to relinquish the throne, federer has already retired.

  19. I don't think he'll ever beat Rafa at the french open, but he might be able to win the rest in a year. Rafa is hot in that photo.

  20. no

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