There simply aren't enough people with the spinal-fortitude to run for office, maintain their focus on our Constitution, be whatever they want in private while never permitting their eye on governmental restraint to so much as blink, regarding their position as an honor bestowed upon them by voters, insisting they're not "Rulers" but "servants" - serving the People by their vow to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States.
I'm thinking, we can't clone a selfless Patriot, though he has proven the unidirectional virtues that endear him to us. Having anticipated that, is their any way to start a Prairie Fire among all Americans? An unstoppable drive to restore all those restraints agreed upon at the Constitutional Convention as 'minimal'?
Think how different things will be when those now in power are fired and replaced with the kind of Representatives, Senators, President and State-level Government envisioned as appropriate by those who shaped the Constitution.
Not a bad thought to start with, huh?