
Can Ron Paul be cloned... a few hundred times? I'd hope his dedication to our Liberties is somehow genetic. U?

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There simply aren't enough people with the spinal-fortitude to run for office, maintain their focus on our Constitution, be whatever they want in private while never permitting their eye on governmental restraint to so much as blink, regarding their position as an honor bestowed upon them by voters, insisting they're not "Rulers" but "servants" - serving the People by their vow to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States.

I'm thinking, we can't clone a selfless Patriot, though he has proven the unidirectional virtues that endear him to us. Having anticipated that, is their any way to start a Prairie Fire among all Americans? An unstoppable drive to restore all those restraints agreed upon at the Constitutional Convention as 'minimal'?

Think how different things will be when those now in power are fired and replaced with the kind of Representatives, Senators, President and State-level Government envisioned as appropriate by those who shaped the Constitution.

Not a bad thought to start with, huh?





  1. He just keeps inspiring people. That's even better than cloning because each person is different and they don't agree on everything. Identical twins can almost think the same thoughts, from what some people say. Thousands of identical people might become like a new race. Thousands of individuals, if they follow the ideas and laws of the constitution, would become the United States we want.

    Again, it's better if he just keeps getting people to think outside the box and inside those ideas and laws.  

  2. I wish...... But it will never happen.

    What would  the meek talk about. No more rumors, speculations or $hit to throw around.

    Undecided - Independent.

  3. The guys who shaped the Constitution also owned slaves.

    Paul may have had some good ideas, but he failed to win a single state in the primary.  He had his chance

  4. Its a shame theres not more like him. Most of the others are just puppets of the ruling elite.

  5. Someone said, "Ron Paul had his chance." referring to the fact that he didn't win any states in the primary elections, as if that bars one from running anyway.  He still has a chance.  You don't have to vote for one of the two candidates who get the most attention.  It is possible to vote for a third candidate.  Stop accepting that you must choose A or B, when C is really what you want.

    By the way, defeatist thinking like, "He had his chance" and, "Third party votes are wasted votes" lead to nothing but defeat.  What if our Founding Fathers had thought this way?

  6. What a country we would have it that could be accomplished.  I'll bet a couple terms of a Ron Paul controlled government would double our GDP and end the debt.  Oh well, we can dream.

  7. There's no need for another cloned Ron Paul. He already has inspired thousands to run for office, under his platform and ideology. Good question.

  8. its starting to sink in what your trying to say


  10. Sounds great to me!

    And CSPAN2 will be covering Ron Paul's Rally for the Republic tomorrow, as well, so people who don't know him will have a chance to learn more.

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