
Can Russia possibly take Bush, Cheney, Rice et al seriously, regarding use of military force?

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Bush tells Russia to get out of Georgia

"...Bush discussed the situation for nearly an hour with Rice, who arrived at the ranch around 5:30 a.m. local time from a quick trip to Georgia. They were joined via secured videoconference from Washington by other members of Bush's national security team, including Vice President d**k Cheney, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and national security adviser Stephen Hadley. Bush also spoke to Georgian President Mikhail Saakshvili, reiterating U.S. support...."

The neocons who brought us the unecessary military invasions and take-overs of Afghanistan and Iraq, neither of which had anything to do with 9/11, are now saying it is unacceptable for other countries to use military force on other weaker, sovereign countries...

Steven Hadley is the guy who came up with the "Hadley Rules" namely, the "axis of evil" short-list, on which Iran must remain, no matter what, and a co-founder of Bush's "pre-emptive" doctrine (also known as "war of agression" which is the capital war crime). Rice supported Israel's bombing of civilian roads and infrastructure in Lebanon. As for Cheney, there is more evidence linking him to 9/11 than anyone else.

Can they not see their own hypocrisy and lack of credibility? their criminal wars in the Middle East have set a precedent for military bullying (a recent Congressional Committee has determined that the American people were in fact lied to, repeatedly, in the buildup to invading Iraq)...

How can anyone have confidence in this small cabal of sociopaths, who have somehow managed to hijack the American government and media for the last 8 years, to solve anything?

With the Iraq misadventure leaving the US military in an overstretched state of dissaray, which is plain for all to see, what do they intend to threaten Russia with now, in order to gain compliance?




  1. Russia is doing this because we are weak right now and they know the americans are divided.

    Russia hasn't given away all their manufacturing jobs like the US has,I'm sorry what do make here in the US?

    NOTHING! Special thanks goes out to wal-mart for making us buy all that made in the usa (CHINA) merchandise.

  2. No one takes Bush seriously.  he is a clown and Condi is an idiot.

  3. Maybe we should ask Saddam Hussein if he thinks Bush is a puppet and not to be taken seriously?

  4. Sure.

    Why not?

    But no one want to mess around with Freedom Fighters.

    Especially when they were from the "Wild, wild west"

    Look in the real world.

    With "War of the world"

    How the Aliens got mess up by them.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  5. I agree that America is being a bit hypocritical but the effects that this war between Russia and Georgia will have on the rest of the world is far more important than that of the Americans being hypocrits. Russia has invaded Georgia for the reason of "protecting their people" because they believe that Georgia was bullying and using military force against those who were fighting the Georgian Government to become part of Russia.

    The American's are still saying that they will not use military force against Russia, but Mr Bush was quoted in the Herald Sun yesterday saying "Bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st Century." Although Russia is bullying and intimidating Georgia in to what they want them to do, America is trying to use the same tactics on Russia.

    The reality is that there is not much that the world can do to stop Russia taking over Georgia without it escalating further. If America involves itself in the war then it could very well be the begining of something far worse. If America continues to try and force Russia out using politics then the truth is nothing will happen. Russia will either keep the part of Georgia that they have already taken over and they will be allowed to keep it or get away with it. But if Russia continues to over run Georgia then someone will step in.

  6. They dont. You can tell Putin thinks Bush is a douche

  7. Check this website for the real story.

  8. U.S is using their puppet Georgia to try and pull Russia into a war.

  9. they are laughing at us, and rightly so.

  10. Russia wants to control it's oil pipelines and they're taken this opportunity while Bush is president to do so.  They know when Obama takes over it's gonna be a different situation.  

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